Discover the best automotive sales schools

Discover the best automotive sales schools

Car dealerships sell new and used vehicles to individuals or businesses. Salespeople advise customers, find new ones, and manage administration related to vehicle sales. What are the best schools to practice an automobile sales profession?

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A sales representative automobile generally works in a dealership or in a showroom, and is aimed at an audience of individuals. However, some vendors may specialize in selling fleets of vehicles to businesses.

What does an automotive salesperson do?

Car salespeople spend most of their time helping customers and ordering vehicles.

To do this, the salesperson asks questions about the customer’s situation: if he has a family, if he usually drives long distances by car, if he drives more in town or in the countryside, how much he wants to spend, s ‘he has to pay for the car in installments … etc. The salesperson then recommends a vehicle that meets the needs of the customer. If the customer is interested, the seller usually arranges a test drive.

When a sale is confirmed, the seller enters the data in thecomputer and performs all the administrative formalities necessary for the sale (forms of financing, vehicle registrations, taxes, insurance, etc.). The seller also liaises with other dealership departments to ensure the car is ready for delivery at the right time.

As delivery may take several weeks, the seller must be in contact with the customer by telephone to keep them informed of the progress of their purchase.

What is the profile of an automotive salesperson?

Seller automobile is first and foremost a salesperson, and must therefore have certain qualities specific to the sales profession:

  • Customer service skills.
  • A confident, friendly and positive attitude, which will reassure the prospect in a major purchase.
  • Skills in negotiation, communication and listening to customers.
  • A flexible approach, adapted to the needs of the clientele.
  • Numerical and computer skills to manage sales and pricing.
  • Strong interest in cars and innovations in the automotive sector

To achieve its goals, an automotive salesperson will need to be able to:

  • Have a good relationship, be pleasant.
  • Work under pressure to try to achieve sales goals.
  • Be patient, some customers will need to go to the dealership several times to decide whether or not they want to buy the car.
  • Plan your work and organize your time.
  • Be discreet and sensitive in your dealings with clients.
  • Complete administrative documentation.

How to train in automotive sales?

To become a salesperson in an automobile, it is recommended to study at least up to the bac + 2 level. It is possible to take a general, technological or professional baccalaureate to continue your studies up to bac + 2.

the Higher Technician’s Certificate (BTS) is particularly well suited to sales professions. There are 3 BTS for this which are well recognized by recruiters:

  1. the Technical-Commercial BTS
  2. the NDRC BTS (Negotiation and Digitalization of Customer Relations)
  3. the BTS MCO (Operational Commercial Management)

Finally, it is possible to take work-study training, which makes it possible to work as a concessionaire in parallel with your studies, and to put the knowledge acquired into practice directly. The Sellscar organization is the reference in France for this kind of training.

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