Discover the 5 love languages, the key to improving (and strengthening) your relationship according to an expert

Discover the 5 love languages the key to improving and

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    Love language is the way people express their love in a relationship. There are five ways to show your feelings… Here are some of them.

    The five love languages ​​are a concept developed by marriage counselor and author Gary Chapman in his 1992 book, The Five Love Languages. This theory states that each individual expresses and receives love in different ways. Understanding these ways of expressing feelings can strengthen and improve relationships. Here is an overview of these five love languages.

    Words of encouragement

    This is perhaps the easiest way to let your partner know you love them. It involves expressing your affection through words or praise to your significant other. People who are adept at this language of love are constantly complimenting their partner, sending them tender messages or leaving them love notes.

    Quality time

    Other people express love by spending quality time with their loved one. They like you to pay attention and spend time together in a meaningful way. This means putting down your cell phone, turning off your computer, and making eye contact before interacting thoughtfully and actively listening to the other person.

    Touching and cuddling each other

    Physical affection is also a way to show love. It doesn’t just mean that your partner wants more intimate time with you, but that they need to hold your hand, touch your arm, or massage your neck at the end of the day, for example.

    These people like to spend the evening snuggled up with their other half, watching a movie or going for a long walk, hand in hand.

    Doing a favor to your other half

    Helping others is also a way of expressing love. This could be tidying up the kitchen after eating, vacuuming, putting gas in the car, etc. These are all small everyday gestures that they do out of love for you. They are also people who will naturally help others, out of kindness.

    To offer gifts

    In this type of love language, the people concerned give gifts to symbolize their love and materialize the care and affection they have for their partner. They are also sensitive to the gifts that can be given to them and can remember every small present they have received from their loved ones, because it has a real impact on them.

    Love: 10 affectionate gestures

    Slideshow: Love: 10 affectionate gestures
