Discover our new Swipe Into Space series on Snapchat: spacewalks!

Swipe Into Space on Snapchat to explore space

The brand new Snapchat space series has just been launched by Futura: Swipe Into Space! On the program, answers to the many questions we ask ourselves about the cosmos. For this second episode, these are the spacewalks, or spacewalks, which are in the spotlight.

Notice to lovers of SnapchatFutura launches a brand new children’s series on space and the sciences of theUniverse : Swipe Into Space. Through dynamic episodes of approximately three minutes, sprinkled with grandiose illustrations and face-to-face sequences, you will discover many mysteries of the cosmosof the edge of the universe to the formation of our planet.

Each week, Thibaut at Futura will answer one of the many questions we might ask. VSow was the Moon formed? What is the Starship, this rocket new generation that promises to send men to Mars? How does a spacewalk take place? What fate awaits our Universe? What if we could travel at the speed of light?

In this second episode: spacewalks

In this second episode of Swipe Into SpaceThibaut sheds light on the spacewalksalso called space walks! They take place regularly on board theISS, during repairs and maintenance missions. Requiring practice and, of course, the right equipment, they can last up to eight hours! Whereas at the beginning of space walks, in particular in 1965 on the occasion of the very first spacewalk, the duration was only a few minutes. The reason ? Mainly because in space, the pressure zero, so it’s impossible to get out without suitable protection. Without this, the astronaut would risk ebullism, that is to say the boiling of all his internal fluids.

Today, wetsuits are designed to allow long, even very long outings. But the spacewalks also require training physical particularly intense. Astronauts are prepared for this during the few years following their selection by the space agencies, and which precede their spacewalks. To find out more about these extraordinary outings in weightlessness and space travel in general, it will be necessary to go directly to the page of Swipe Into Space !

Reading ideas for the summer with Futura?

To celebrate the start of the holidays, we offer you the Mag Futura at the preferential price of 15 € instead of 19 €, i.e. a reduction of 20% !

What is Mag Futura?

  • Our first paper journal of more than 200 pages to make science accessible to as many people as possible
  • 4 major scientific questions for 2022, from the Earth to the Moon
  • Home delivery*

*Special offer valid until July 19. Delivery is made in France (excluding metropolitan France), Switzerland, Belgium.

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