Discover fartlek, this type of fun running

Discover fartlek this type of fun running

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    If you’re used to running, you may have tried different techniques before finding the one that suits you. If you’ve never tried it, it’s possible to try fartlek, a rather fun way of running…

    Between calm running, practiced by an adult, and the way a child runs, there is a world of difference. What if adults started running like children again? This is the principle of fartlek, an unbridled running race, which will undoubtedly take you back to your childhood.

    Fartlek or speed game in Swedish

    Fartlek is therefore the Swedish name for the children’s version of running. It is similar to a split run, alternating between walking and fast running, but also running at a normal pace.

    You will have understood: fartlek allows you to run while juggling rhythms and to express times of intense sporting activity with other slower ones.

    Good in his body, good in his head!

    A race based on bodily sensations

    According to coach Christine Luff, interviewed by Very Well Fit, “Work-rest intervals are based on body sensations. With fartlek training, you can experience pace and endurance while you run, allowing you to listen to your body and its performance.”

    The only constraint is to alternate moments of slow running with faster accelerations, which will stimulate your heart. The idea is to free yourself while you run, without being preoccupied with a speed or performance goal. Enough to return, for sure, to childhood, the time of a sports session.
