Discord will block anti-vaccine posts

Discord will block anti vaccine posts

Discord, one of the most popular social media platforms, will take action against anti-vaccine posts and misleading Covid-19 posts.

Discord will remove anti-vaccine posts and content that provides misleading information about Covid 19. Discord, which is frequently on the agenda with problems such as Discord virus and security problems, can be said to have taken a positive decision this time. anti-vaccineAt a time when the stigma is widespread, Discord will count users to send “posts containing misleading information about health” as a reason for ban.

Discord will block anti-vaccine posts and misleading information

Discord states that the posts in question are messages or links that “contain misleading information about health and may result in users harming themselves.” In order not to leave anything to chance, Discord has shared a list of exactly what types of posts are banned.

Discord’s list of “misleading information” includes:

– the safety, side effects or how effective they are of vaccines

– sharing about the development process of vaccines, the substances used and approval processes

– unapproved alternative treatment methods that may cause users to harm themselves

– misleading posts about how common a disease is or whether it exists

– misleading information about the transmission process and symptoms of a disease

– content that hints at conspiracy by malicious forces in the healthcare industry

– giving medical guidance, advice and asserting authority

Discord did not take any chances with the misleading information spread about health.
