Disbarred, a doctor continued to practice for five years in France. How is it possible ?

Disbarred a doctor continued to practice for five years in

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    in collaboration with

    Dr Gérald Kierzek (Medical Director of Doctissimo)

    A 73-year-old general practitioner, removed from the Order of Physicians since 2018, continued to practice in different departments in France until January 10. How is this possible? Explanations from Dr Gérald Kierzek, emergency doctor and medical director of Doctissimo.

    It seems impossible and yet… A 73-year-old general practitioner, removed from the Council of the Order in 2018, continued to practice his profession until the beginning of January, before finally being arrested and placed in custody. -view.

    A doctor dismissed for abuse of weakness

    This doctor was convicted of abuse of weakness following obtaining improper checks from two nursing home residents. He was therefore banned from practicing following his conviction and was removed from the Order of Physicians. However, this did not stop him from continuing to work.

    Since his conviction, he has worked in sixteen different hospitals, notably in Bernay, in the Eure department, in Bar-sur-Aube, in Aube, and in Château-Chinon, in Nièvre.

    In this same department, a new doctor was appointed by the Regional Health Agency to reorganize the Nevers emergency room. But proceedings for fraud against him are underway.

    False documents produced to be recruited

    The story of this general practitioner also resembles a scam because in order to practice, he did not hesitate to falsify his documents. He created a false doctor’s card, as reported by our colleagues from France Info, who recorded the words of the prosecution: “To get hired, the accused provided each hire with his medical diplomas and sometimes even used a registration card with the Order of Physicians falsified using one of his old cards..

    When questioned, Dr. Gérald Kierzek, emergency physician and medical director of Doctissimo, is not surprised. “TFirst of all, it must be remembered that there is no common computer system between the justice system and the council of the Order of Physicians, it is therefore not possible to cross-reference information on the different statuses of doctors. In addition, the man turned to medical deserts, which desperately needed practitioners, so this facilitated his integration“explains the doctor.”Even the ARS made a mistake by recruiting a doctor who risks being convicted of fraud. It’s a total mess!” regrets our expert.

    The general practitioner should see his trial begin on June 3 in Troyes.
