Disappointed with the new ARK-2 trailer? The really exciting information was elsewhere!

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Since December 2022, ARK fans have been waiting for new information about ARK 2. At the Xbox and Bethesda Showcase 2022 the time had finally come: There was a new trailer. Disillusionment quickly followed, because there wasn’t much to see. There is a lot of new information that Studio Wildcard shared elsewhere.

What does the new trailer show? At the beginning of the trailer we see a dodo. This is a small, harmless bird, which is then chased away at 00:41 by a dino – presumably a Deinonychus.

Shortly thereafter, a Tyrannosaurus Rex enters the picture, scaring away the much smaller Dino. We also see Santiago Da Costa (played by Vin Diesel) and his daughter riding a T-Rex (from 00:42). Then comes a date: 2023. ARK fans’ fear comes true, ARK will be postponed.

By the way, here you can see all other information about the release, trailer or gameplay of ARK 2.

Why is the trailer disappointing? Cinematically, the trailer looks good, but other than the delayed release, it doesn’t offer any new information to players – it just looks good. There was also no hoped-for information about a possible PS5 release of ARK 2.

ARC 2 Trailer Release 2023

Climb, Fight and Parkour – New ARK-2 information on the websites

What information does the trailer not show? What Studio Wildcard missed with the trailer, the development studio made up for elsewhere: on various websites and platforms such as Steam, we have seen a lot of new information that sounds really good since the release of the new trailer. MeinMMO summarizes what is there.

Explore the world of ARK 2 in third person

What new information is there about the world of ARK 2? In the world of ARK 2, a completely new experience is to be created through the possibilities of the Unreal Engine 5, which affects the weather, smoke or even foliage.

  • The new map: ARK 2 takes place on the new world of Arat. The inhabitants of this world are called Aratai.
  • The Aratai: The inhabitants of Arat, the Aratai, see people as intruders and therefore want to drive them out of their world. Aratai will hunt you down, charge you, and ride their own tamed creatures.
  • Dynamic World Events: In ARK there will be natural and unnatural events that take place in the game world regardless of the presence of the players. Interacting with the world events provides a challenge and may yield a reward. World events can include, for example, herd migrations, gatherings at waterholes, or wounded creatures.
  • Natural behavior of the game world: In ARK 2, the world and its effects are designed to react to what’s in it: water flows around obstacles, smoke and particles are affected by physical forces, and foliage reacts to passing wildlife.
  • Weather: In ARK 2 there will be localized weather systems and isolated thunderclouds.
  • We’ll have to wait a bit until we see the first gameplay on the “ARK 2” map Arat, but another map has just been released in ARK: Survival Evolved: The popular mod map Fjördur is here and on all platforms playable!

    What new information on the technology is available? For ARK 2 there is great information that in the future the Xbox consoles will also be able to access mods of any kind. With the predecessor, mods were limited to the Steam version of the game.

  • Cross-platform modding: Community created mods will be available in ARK 2 on all platforms including Xbox consoles and playable on unofficial servers.
  • Third-person perspective: In ARK: Survival Evolved you could switch between first-person and third-person perspectives. However, ARK 2 will only have the third-person perspective.
  • What do we know about building in ARK 2?

    Building from templates: In ARK 2 you will be able to create, save and share building templates, such as is possible in Minecraft with the schematics. This allows you to place a building template on the map in ARK 2 and construct the structure as a team.

    Build Options: According to Studio Wildcard, the revised building system includes countless other building options.

    Change for fighting with animals and fists

    This changes at the Movement: The Movement will see major innovations in ARK 2 and will be inspired by other games. For example, Studio Wildcard wrote that they were looking at Soulslike games for the melee system and Ubisoft’s Assassin’s Creed was a template for the parkour movement.

  • Soulslike Melee: ARK 2 is said to have a melee system based on Soulslike games like Elden Ring. This includes techniques like targeting, blocking, dodging, combos, and special attacks
  • New movement mechanics: In ARK 2 it should be possible to move through the world in new ways. This includes free climbing and parkour. You should also be able to slide and swing.
  • What do we know about interacting with animals in ARK 2? Also regarding the animals, there will be some changes in ARK 2 compared to its predecessors, aimed at the creatures’ senses and stealth.

  • Animals have senses: In ARK 2, animals now hunt using their senses, attempting to track survivors by sight, hearing, or smell.
  • Camouflage: Since the animals in ARK 2 will depend on their senses, there should also be better ways to hide. You can therefore camouflage yourself visually, hide behind obstacles or even cover your smell.
  • Attack animation: Attacks in ARK 2 are meant to actually hit the target. For example, a bite is intended to tear the victim’s flesh and cause the target to react to the physical hit at that point.
  • If all the new information has gotten you interested in survival games and you can’t wait until 2023 for the release of ARK 2, check out our list of the 25 best survival games of 2022.
