Disappearance of Lina: this object found in the suspect’s car which speeds up the investigation

Disappearance of Lina this object found in the suspects car

Nearly a year after Lina’s disappearance in Bas-Rhin, hope of finding the teenager has been rekindled thanks to the discovery of an object that the police had been looking for for a long time.

For almost a year, Lina’s parents have had no news of their daughter, who disappeared on September 23, 2023 while she was walking to the Saint-Blaise-la-Roche train station in Bas-Rhin to meet her boyfriend in Strasbourg. After she was reported, the town of Plaine, where the teenager lives, and its surroundings were combed, but investigators did not discover the slightest clue explaining what could have happened on that Saturday in September.

For several months the case seemed to be at a standstill, several people were questioned by the police but they were all finally released. However, it took a completely new turn when the police got their hands on a car, which had been in the investigators’ sights for a long time. One person questioned had in fact explained having seen Lina in a vehicle shortly before she disappeared. Found in the pound after her driver was arrested last June, while driving the car, the car was analyzed for a very long time and provided elements of major importance for the investigations.

Investigators identified Lina’s genetic profile on the back seat of the vehicle and on one of the seat belts, which corroborates the kidnapping theory favored by the police. This discovery led to the establishment of new searches in two forests in the Vosges located near the road taken by Lina and her alleged kidnapper, who has since committed suicide.

According to initial reports, investigators were looking for any clues that could help them find the teenager, such as her phone or wallet. A dog unit was also deployed to search for possible human remains, but no trace of any clues was found.

However, we learned this Monday, September 9, thanks to information revealed by Latest news from Alsacethat in addition to the girl’s DNA, her handbag and various items belonging to her had also been found in the back of the searched vehicle. However, investigators were unable to get their hands on her mobile phone. Where is this phone? The latter stopped transmitting shortly after Lina’s disappearance and in a strange manner. Indeed, before suddenly switching off, the girl’s mobile phone did not generate a final signal intended for the operator, which implies that it could have been destroyed.
