Disappearance of Justine Vayrac in Brive: who is the suspect?

Disappearance of Justine Vayrac in Brive who is the suspect

A man has been in custody since Tuesday, suspected of being involved in the disappearance of Justine Vayrac, 20, who has not given any sign of life since Sunday evening. What do we know about him?

He has now been in custody for more than 24 hours. Tuesday morning, a man was arrested at his home in Beynat (Corrèze). It was in this small village south-east of Brive that the individual was apprehended by the police, suspected of being involved in the disappearance of Justine Vayrac, this 20-year-old young woman who has given no sign of life since Sunday morning, after leaving a nightclub in Brive.

A farmer living south of Brive, “acquaintance met in a nightclub”

According to the first elements released in the press, it is a man barely older than the missing. The Parisian and M6 claim that he is 21 years old, when The Dispatch affirms that he has only 20. If two different first names have been published by certain newspapers, his profession seems clearly established: the young man is an agricultural worker. The Parisian even specifies that he works on a farm breeding Limousin cows. But what link unites this individual and Justine Vayrac, who lives in Tauriac, in the Lot, 35km south of the village of the man placed in police custody?

According to the public prosecutor of Brive, the main suspect “would be a friendly acquaintance met a few times in the nightclub.” Their link seems, in view of the information communicated at this stage, to stop there, especially since the young woman of 20 years is in a relationship and the mother of a little boy of two and a half years.

A foreign phone in his car

However, the noose seems to be tightening around this man because it seems that he was the last person to have seen Justine before her disappearance. Sunday, around 4 o’clock in the morning, she leaves the discotheque, alcoholic and accompanied by a friend, who entrusts her to this man. The Parisian reports that the respondent told investigators that he had dropped her off in an industrial area where she was to be picked up by another person. However, nothing, for the time being, has come to affirm his thesis.

The suspicions were also reinforced with regard to the testimony of another young woman, whom the man would have driven, later, also with his vehicle. She told investigators she heard a cell phone ringing in the car, which did not belong to the driver. She also reported unusual withdrawn behavior from the man when they were together.

Attempt to escape and traces of blood

Other elements seem to tighten the noose around the young man. Tuesday, October 24, 2022, in the morning, when the police came to arrest him at his home, he tried to flee before being caught by the police. During the inspection of his place of residence, traces of blood were discovered in his room assures BFM TV, just like in his car, on the gear knob and the handbrake. On his side, franceinfo adds that a shoe which could belong to the disappeared was also discovered in the vehicle. What to support the suspicions.
