Disappearance of Jordan Membré in Roanne: the leads of the investigators

Disappearance of Jordan Membre in Roanne the leads of the

Disappeared since February 5, the young Jordan Member, 21, was seen for the last time in Roanne, after an evening. Searches in the port turned up nothing.

[Mis à jour le 22 février 2023 à 23h06] For more than two weeks now, Jordan Membré has not given any sign of life after an evening with friends in Roanne in the Loire. The investigation, which had been opened for “worrying disappearance”, on Wednesday February 15, was requalified for “kidnapping, kidnapping or arbitrary detention”, according to the elements recovered by franceinfo with the public prosecutor of Roanne.

Jordan Member was last seen in the city’s port, where several people, including the young man, were under the influence of alcohol and narcotics. The prosecutor, Abdelkrim Grini, requested this Tuesday, February 21, a search of the port, “in particular the underside of the barges where the body could be stuck in the event that it accidentally fell into the water”. These latest searches have proved fruitless, like all those launched since his disappearance.

According to Abdelkrim Grini, the track of an accident “still remains privileged before putting the package on the track of the intervention of a third party”. However, during the hearings of relatives and witnesses, it appeared that Jordan Member had argued with one of his friends about a girl, even if “according to his friends, he left the group around 3 or 4 in the morning to go home,” according to the prosecutor.

During the investigation, no clue or element was found on the searches concerning the credit card, the telephone or the social networks of Jordan Member.
