Disappearance of Christophe Deloire (RSF): the testimony of Franco-Afghan journalist Mortaza Behboudi

Disappearance of Christophe Deloire RSF the testimony of Franco Afghan journalist

A tireless defender of journalistic freedom, this is how those who worked with Christophe Deloire describe the director general of Reporters Without Borders (RSF), who died on Saturday at the age of 53 from a raging cancer . He had led the organization since 2012. Mortaza Behboudi wanted to pay tribute to him. The Franco-Afghan journalist, arrested on January 7, 2023 in Afghanistan, was not released until October 18, 2023. It was RSF and Christophe Deloire who made his arrest public, then organized the mobilization to obtain his release. For Mortaza Behboudi, it was a duty to testify because Christophe was an unwavering support when his life was in danger in Afghanistan.

Read alsoDeath of Christophe Deloire, secretary general of Reporters Without Borders
