Disability: what to remember from Emmanuel Macron’s announcements

Disability what to remember from Emmanuel Macrons announcements

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    Full reimbursement of wheelchairs, school referent … On Wednesday, Emmanuel Macron unveiled a series of measures aimed at improving the daily lives of millions of French people with disabilities. The point of view of the APF France handicap association on these announcements.

    On the occasion of the sixth National Disability Conference, the President of the Republic announced the implementation of various measures, intended for the “12 million French people” affected by disability. While some welcome these efforts, others denounce a “announcement effect“. This is particularly the case of the association APF France handicap which was waiting “a real overhaul of the French disability policy“.

    Good intentions but no “comprehensive policy”

    First announcement: the creation of a post “referent teacher” in each primary school, which includes pre-elementary and elementary education.

    “VSeach primary school“shall so dispose”from a referent teacher” For “support” students with disabilities. In addition, the President of the Republic promises “an intensification of the training of all stakeholders” at school.

    On the student side, Emmanuel Macron wishes that “educational and physical accessibility in higher education” either “finalized during this five-year period”, taking the example of pilot universities who must become “exemplary demonstrators”.

    But for APF France handicap, “Si the president seems to have taken the measure of the French delay in terms of disability, he does not initiate the paradigm shift that the association is calling for“.

    Yes to wheelchair reimbursement, no to “constrained choice”

    Another announcement that caught the attention of the association and which concerns 1.3 million French people: wheelchairs. They will be reimbursed”100% from 2024“says the president.

    As a reminder, social security currently pays “only” 5200 euros for the chair. A sum that mutuals do not necessarily complete.

    It is an important measure, a measure of social justice“, confided on this subject Emmanuel Macron.

    If the APF France handicap welcomes this measure, it nevertheless specifies that the user must be able to “benefit from the wheelchair adapted to his situation and in respect of his free choice”. Furthermore, “thehe fleet of wheelchairs available in France must be as wide and as exhaustive as possible, without regulatory restrictions limiting the panel. The range of wheelchairs must be available from the most common to the most innovative.”

    As for the deconjugalization of the allowance for disabled adults (AAH), it will be effective this fall, assured the president.

    From October 1, 120,000 people with disabilities living as a couple will see their AAH increase by 350 euros per month on average..

    The State will also reserve a substantial envelope (1.5 billion euros) for the “improving the accessibility of public places“to people with disabilities.”Transport will not be forgotten, both with the acquisition of adapted electric vehicles and the accessibility of taxis, stations, the train“, said Emmanuel Macron.

    However, the 1.5 billion euros announced, if they represent a substantial sum, “must be put into perspective with regard to the extent of the needs, particularly for 5th category public buildings and for stations. In addition, this envelope will be broken down over 5 years and without any guarantee because subject to the vote of the PLF 2024, 2025 …”, estimates the association AFP France handicap.

    Work and disability: not enough sanctions according to the association

    In the field of employment, the president was firm.

    Pôle emploi professionals“should help people with disabilities”to develop their own professional project”. As for employers,they must achieve the objective of 6% employment of people with disabilities, including in the field of apprenticeship. To facilitate this, we are going to simplify recognition as a disabled worker“, he pointed out.

    This did not convince the association, which demanded that sanctions be finally taken against establishments that do not respect the commitments of the “handicap” law of February 11, 2005 – relating in particular to non-discrimination in work.

    On this point, the association regrets that the president is reluctant to initiate a policy of sanctions now and emphasizes that to be effective “this will require sufficient human resources“.
