Directa, 2021 profit rises to 5.2 million. Dividend of € 0.15

Directa 2021 profit rises to 52 million Dividend of E

(Finance) – Directa SIM, online trading platform and company listed on Euronext Growth Milan, closed 2021 with the best result ever. The Net income is equal to over 5.2 million euros, more than double the 2.4 million euros in 2020. Le net commissions they total just over 14 million euros, up 21.7% compared to 2020, due to the increase in the number of executed orders and the sharp increase in operations on the US cash markets. The interest margin exceeds 9 million euros, up 21.6% despite the adverse context of interest rates close to zero. The brokerage margin amounted to 23.3 million euros at the end of 2021 (+ 23.9% compared to 2020).

The BoD proposed the distribution of a dividend equal to € 0.150 per share. “We are pleased to share with those who have trusted in our Company the fruit of the work and passion of those who work in Directa: I am convinced that those who invest must be remunerated – commented the president Massimo Segre – Directa will in any case always have a prudent approach, as in all of its history, in order to be able to finance its ordinary growth without resorting to capital operations “.

The number of active accountsdoubled since December 2018, passed the 50,000 mark, and the total value of the assets of customers reached 3 billion euros for the first time thanks to a strategy focused on investors customers, which allowed the company to reach a wider audience than the historical segment of “active traders”.

There composition of customer assets (direct and indirect) at 31 December 2021 was the following: liquidity equal to 861.3 million euros, up by 22.8% compared to 701.3 million euros at 31 December 2020, while the total of financial instruments was equal to 2,155.4 million euros, with a growth of 78.9% compared to the 1,204.4 million euros at 31 December 2020.

With regard tooutlook, Directa SIM affirms that “it is plausible to foresee that the favorable path of generating profits that the company has witnessed over the last two years may also be confirmed in 2022”. It is highlighted that a number of initiatives aimed at facing the challenges deriving from the presence on the Italian market of new competitors (in particular foreigners) and during the year will implement a series of initiatives aimed at strengthening the positioning and further expanding the customer base with positive consequences on orders and revenues.
