Direct words from an expert about Zelensky’s ministerial dismissals: “The Ukrainian state is not working as well as it should” | Foreign countries

Direct words from an expert about Zelenskys ministerial dismissals The

In the government of Ukraine, the door has been opening at a rapid pace during the last year. At least eight ministers and high officials have resigned from their positions. Last Wednesday, the foreign minister announced his resignation Dmytro Kuleba.

Just a day before, the Deputy Prime Minister Be Stefanishy had submitted his resignation.

Program director of the Institute for Foreign Policy Arkady Moshes according to Ukraine’s internal political problems have been known for a long time.

– The changes were expected, even if I didn’t know how to make a list of people. I was waiting for the prime minister himself Denys Šmyhalin to leave and I believe that will happen at some point, says Moshes.

– This is a strong indication that the Ukrainian state and government are not working as well as they should. Many ministers are tired of not having the power to influence things anymore.

The Minister of Strategic Industry is also among the latest to leave Oleksandr Kamyshinwho was responsible for arms production, the Minister of Justice Denys Maliuskasecond deputy prime minister Iryna Vereshchuk and Director of the State Property Fund of Ukraine Vitaly Koval.

About a third of the ministerial positions are now vacant.

Power is concentrated in the presidential office

According to Moshes, during the Russian war of aggression, the decision-making power in Ukraine has started to focus more and more strongly on the presidential office instead of the government.

The presidential office is headed by the president to Volodymyr Zelensky a longtime friend Andri Jermak. His position has improved significantly during martial law.

– Jermak may even have more power than the president. Several experts feel that he cannot be outdone in any decision.

From the point of view of the implementation of democracy, the situation is problematic, because Jermak has not been elected to the position in democratic elections.

Moshes does not take a position on whether the turmoil in the government took place at the initiative of President Zelensky or under pressure. At the same time, however, he sees that personnel changes can also be useful for the president.

– Zelenskyi certainly wants to get more power in the government by changing people in leadership positions who are numb to the situation. It may be necessary to replace certain persons in order to make the ministries work more efficiently and responsibly.

Zelenskyi already announced last week that he is planning a major reorganization of the Ukrainian government. In his speech on Tuesday evening, he talked about the need for change.

– Autumn will be very important for Ukraine, Zelenskyi said.

– For that, we need to strengthen some areas of the government, and changes to its composition have been prepared. There will also be changes in the presidential office.

According to the presidential office, the deputy chief of staff who manages the finances is also part of the office’s inner circle Rostyslav Shurma may leave.

More detailed reasons for the latest ministerial resignations have not been disclosed.

A year ago, Zelenskyi was fired by the Minister of Defense It would be Reznikov because of corruption scandals. Commander of the Armed Forces of Ukraine Valery Zaluzhnyi on the other hand, he was allowed to leave last February.

Zelensky’s own presidential term would have ended in May, but he has remained in office because Ukraine is under martial law.

“Minister changes are not about panic”

Ukraine is facing a major government reshuffle at a time when the war is at a critical stage.

Russia continues its advance in Donbas in eastern Ukraine. At the same time, it accelerates its airstrikes on civilian targets across Ukraine.

On Tuesday, more than 50 people died in the Russian attack on the city of Pultava. Today, Wednesday, at least seven people are said to have died in Lviv, western Ukraine.

However, according to researcher Moshes, government changes are not about panic.

– If that were the case, they would probably change the war command or the commanders responsible for the defense of different regions. Things that happen in the government have no connection to the situation at the front.

Moshes: Ukraine is not becoming an authoritarian state

In Ukraine, the mayors of the regions are no longer independent of the influence of the presidential office.

There is power concentrated in the presidential administration criticized, among other things Mayor of Kyiv Vitali Klytsko.

According to Moshes, excessive concentration of power is a risk in Ukraine. However, he does not feel that Ukraine is on its way to becoming an authoritarian state.

– The system is not authoritarian, but the presidential office is not a democratically elected body, and therefore it should not have such great power according to the constitution.

The concentration of power does not necessarily make decision-making at all different levels more efficient either, says Moshes.
