DIRECT. Pension reform in the Assembly: already votes! Where is the text?

DIRECT Pension reform in the Assembly already votes Where is
The essential
  • The study of the pension reform bill continues this Wednesday, February 8, 2023 in the National Assembly.
  • The speeches of the deputies continue at the Bourbon palace in the face of the hundreds of amendments submitted for debate.
  • On the merits, only the introductory article has, for the time being, been voted on and adopted.
  • Among the 97 amendments studied, only 1 was adopted, tabled by the government.
  • The debates resume this Wednesday at 3 p.m. and can be followed live on our site.

09:45 – Debate on pension reform, day 3!

This Wednesday marks the third day of debates in the National Assembly on pension reform. The session is due to resume this afternoon at 3 p.m. at the Palais Bourbon with the continuation of the study of the amendments to Article 1.

02/07/23 – 11:15 p.m. – Adrien Quatennens heckled at the Assembly

END OF LIVE – This is a speech that will not go unnoticed. On Tuesday evening, MP Adrien Quatennens spoke during the debates in the National Assembly on pension reform. A first since his conviction for domestic violence. Booed at the announcement of his speech, then heckled, the deputy made a remarkable comeback. A suspension of the session even took place.

02/07/23 – 9:57 p.m. – Special regimes on the agenda at the National Assembly

For almost 3 hours now, special pension schemes have been on the program. As a reminder, Article 1 aims to eliminate the main special schemes, including in particular those of the RATP or the electricity and gas industries.

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