DIRECT. Macron and Biden very accomplices, the state visit live

DIRECT Macron and Biden very accomplices the state visit live

Thursday, December 1, during his official visit to the United States, Emmanuel Macron met President Joe Biden during a solemn and decisive meeting. A dinner is organized at the White House that same day.

The essential

  • Emmanuel Macron’s state visit to the United States continues, Thursday, December 1, for a rich diplomatic exchange.
  • The French president started his day at 3 p.m. (9 a.m. in the United States), with a reception at the White House and then a private meeting with Joe Biden.
  • At the end of this meeting, the two Heads of State held a joint press conference to reaffirm their objectives.
  • The day will end with a dinner at the White House, hosted by the President of the United States, in honor of Emmanuel Macron and his delegation.
  • Follow Emmanuel Macron’s trip to Washington with Joe Biden live.


23:32 – What’s next in Emmanuel Macron’s state visit program?

END OF LIVE – After speaking with Joe Biden at the White House, Thursday, December 1, Emmanuel Macron must have dinner with the American president in the evening. On Friday, he will continue his official visit to the United States in New Orleans, where he will meet with state leaders, as well as the French-speaking community. Emmanuel Macron will participate in a cultural event and then meet local companies involved in the transition to renewable energies.

10:25 p.m. – “I am ready to talk to Putin,” says Joe Biden

At a joint press conference on Thursday, December 1, Emmanuel Macron and Joe Biden renewed their support for the Ukrainian people, after the war started by Russia. However, the President of the United States assured: “I am ready to talk to Putin if he is looking for a way to end the war. He has not done so yet.” During this same conference, Emmanuel Macron had, for his part, stressed that he would “never push the Ukrainians to accept a compromise that would be unacceptable to them”.

9:40 p.m. – “I leave confident”, said Emmanuel Macron

Emmanuel Macron and Joe Biden also discussed the economic protectionism of the United States. “President Biden’s desire is to rebuild a strong industry here and to secure technological solutions for the future. France wants exactly the same thing for itself,” assured Emmanuel Macron, who applauded the clarity and sincerity. discussions. “I’m leaving confident, but also lucid about what needs to be done on the European side,” said the French president. “I am confident,” simply added Joe Biden.

20:47 – “Know that you are my friend”, declares Joe Biden to Emmanuel Macron

During his official visit to the United States, Emmanuel Macron spoke with Joe Biden. After their meeting, the two men held a press conference, which Joe Biden opened as follows: “Know that you are my friend, besides the fact that you are the president of a great country. And we share the same values”, he addressed to Emmanuel Macron. Later, the French president replied that these feelings were the same: “He is not just a leader with whom we share a lot of values, a lot of fights. He is a leader with whom we have very frank discussions and very direct, and respectful and committed on all subjects. He also became a friend and I wanted to thank you for the welcome given to us, the honor given to us, “said Emmanuel Macron.

20:02 – Emmanuel Macron and Joe Biden reaffirm their support for Ukraine

During a joint press conference, after their meeting on Thursday, December 1, Emmanuel Macron and Joe Biden reaffirmed their support for Ukraine. “President Macron and I are committed to continuing to work to hold Russia to account and to mitigate the global consequences of Putin’s war,” Biden said. “We will continue to support the Ukrainian people,” he added. The French president, who spoke after his counterpart, confirmed this position: “We have always been on the same line: to help Ukraine to resist, to give in nothing to our values ​​and to the principles of the United Nations Charter. To avoid any uncontrolled escalation in this conflict and to acknowledge that, when the time is right, under the conditions for their territory that it is up to the Ukrainians to decide, we will be there to help build peace.”

7:15 p.m. – What are Emmanuel Macron and Joe Biden talking about?

Visiting the United States for three days, Emmanuel Macron speaks alone with President Joe Biden, Thursday, December 1. During this exchange, the two heads of state will talk about several subjects, including that of the energy crisis, reports France info. Indeed, the price of gas imported from the United States should be discussed, since a unit of gas costs 7 dollars for Americans, against 37 dollars for Europeans.

6:31 p.m. – “Our two nations are sisters”, says Emmanuel Macron

“Our two nations are sisters in their fight for freedom”, assured Emmanuel Macron, received at the White House, Thursday, December 1. With the return of war in Europe, the President added: “Faced with the multiple crises that are hitting our nations and our societies, we must know how to become brothers in arms again”. “This spirit of fraternity should allow us to build an agenda of ambition and hope, because our two countries have the same faith in freedom, in democratic values,” said Emmanuel Macron.

16:24 – A meeting between Biden and Macron

The politeness with the reception with great pomp to the sound of the military orchestra, in the middle of the flags and in front of an audience of guests now over after Joe Biden and Emmanuel Macron spoke at the podium, the two presidents are now talking alone for an exchange under high tension during which many burning issues will be discussed. We take stock here.

16:01 – Macron: “the United States and France are the strongest allies”

Emmanuel Macron spoke at the podium, calling for strengthening cooperation between France and the United States: “Our democracies are shaken by the same doubts: about the ability to be strong and effective enough in the face of common emergencies, challenges climate, health, geopolitics, technology. They sometimes doubt in the face of relativism, hate speech, false information and contemporary anxieties. It is the same determination that unites us today and the same force of arms. We must together find a way to offer a possible future to our children, made of prosperity, justice and ecology.We must work together to rebuild the unity of our societies through respect and recognition which alone can eradicate hate. We must together weave the new balances of the world to bring about peace, build a renewed and more equitable partnership with the south. Our new borders are there and for To achieve them, the United States and France are the strongest allies, because this friendship is rooted through the centuries.”

15:24 – The United States and the European Union “not on an equal footing” according to Macron

Before coming to the White House, Emmanuel Macron gave an interview to the channel ABC. In it, the President of France ruled that the United States and the European Union “are not on an equal footing” because of the American subsidies provided for in Joe Biden’s great climate plan, which favor “made in the USA” products. This will be a crucial point of discussions with his American counterpart during the day.

15:15 – Everything is ready at the White House

Everything is ready at the White House for the arrival of Emmanuel Macron, and his companion, Brigitte. The national anthems will sound in front of the American presidential residence, as well as 21 cannon shots, before a review of the troops.

15:02 – The American press does not rush around Macron

If from France, the visit of Emmanuel Macron to the United States is very followed by the media, across the Atlantic, the arrival of the French president does not arouse enthusiasm. It is even almost passed over in silence. The New York Times simply puts forward on its home page a “meeting in the context of growing transatlantic tensions”, while CNN could not be more factual: “Macron goes to the White House for the first visit of ‘State of the Biden Administration.’ USA Today is content with a simple article to evoke “a state dinner as the United States reconnects with France.” For the washington postMacron’s visit goes well after Trump’s dinner with “anti-Semites” according to the newspaper or the drought in Colorado.

2:21 p.m. – “I hosted friends in town” laughs Biden

Wednesday evening, Emmanuel and Brigitte Macron have already had dinner with Joe and Jill Biden. The two couples ate at an Italian restaurant in Washington. A private moment after which the American president published a photo. “Welcome to friends in town,” the caption captioned.

Learn more

“You may fix your problem, but you’ll make mine worse.” Will Emmanuel Macron be as direct this Thursday with Joe Biden, on the occasion of the dinner organized at the White House for the visit of the French president to American soil? On Wednesday, the head of state did not mince his words with regard to the economic protectionism plan voted in the United States, in front of an audience of American parliamentarians. The question of this “Inflation Reduction Act” (IRA – Inflation Reduction Plan) is the thorny issue on which the two world leaders must discuss, during a sumptuous meal served at the heart of the American presidential power, which will take also share their respective companions. A particularly strong diplomatic moment, but which promises to be under tension.

Although the ritual of the dinner served on the occasion of a State visit is subject to specific codes, with in particular the exchange of gifts with strong symbols, such as to create a friendly atmosphere around the table, it does not nevertheless, the discussion should leave little room for jokes. In the midst of lobster, caviar, or even parsley beef that the guests will taste, Emmanuel Macron should not fail to repeat to his counterpart his concern about the consequences of the IRA on European industries, Biden opening the financial floodgates of his countries to distribute aid to households buying 100% US in certain sectors. Something to tense Macron and Europe with a drop in activity in these areas on the Old Continent.

Between a glass of Californian Chardonnay and Californian Cabernet Sauvignon, the French president will try to negotiate exceptions for products made in Europe, making this visit the spokesperson for several nations. If this question will already be addressed during a one-on-one interview with Joe Biden a few hours earlier, Emmanuel Macron will try to drive home the point, especially since many personalities from the economic world will accompany the French president to that time: Bernard Arnault (LVMH), Xavier Niel (Iliad), Patrick Pouyanné (Total Energies), Luc Rémont (EDF), Guillaume d’Hauteville (Deezer), among others, received their invitation card.
