diplomatic ballet at the Élysée with African heads of state

diplomatic ballet at the Elysee with African heads of state

French President Emmanuel Macron will be present at the opening of the Global Forum for Vaccine Sovereignty and Innovation, co-organized with the African Union and the Vaccine Alliance. But several high-level bilateral meetings are scheduled on the sidelines of this summit.

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In Paris, the Élysée underlines in any case the commitment of French President Emmanuel Macron to both French-speaking and English-speaking Africa. An overview of partnerships and economic opportunities will be on the menu of his meeting with Ghanaian President Nana Akufo-Addo and his interview with Mokgweetsi Masisi, the leader of Botswana.

First meeting with Bassirou Diomaye Faye

During a working lunch, President Emmanuel Macron will then meet for the first time the Senegalese Bassirou Diomaye Faye, in order to “ lay the foundations for dialogue with the new authorities of the country “. This is the first visit outside the continent for the new Senegalese president Bassirou Diomaye Faye.

This will be the first time that the two men meet physically, recalls our correspondent in Dakar, Léa-Lisa Westerhoff. Apart from a phone call from Emmanuel Macron to congratulate Bassirou Diomaye Faye after his election at the end of March, the two presidents have never seen each other. Among the subjects covered, economic exchanges of course. France is the second largest trading partner after China. With some 270 companies operating in all sectors in Senegal and providing 31,000 jobs. The new president of Senegal pleads for win-win partnerships and wants to review all exchanges in the light of this prism. Paris says it is listening.

One of the other subjects that should be addressed is the future of the military partnership with France. The revision of defense agreements is an electoral promise of Bassirou Diomaye Faye. Since 2023, France has undertaken to reduce its presence with some 350 French soldiers based in Dakar to provide training. A figure which could fall further depending on the needs of Senegal.

Read alsoVisit of the Senegalese president to Paris: “A first meeting with Emmanuel Macron in a rather particular context”

Interview with Paul Kagame on the situation in the Great Lakes region

Later in the evening, the French head of state will meet with Paul Kagame, the president of Rwanda, with whom he will discuss the situation in the Great Lakes region and particularly in eastern DRC.

The rise in tensions, the risk of regional slippage are all subjects “ big concern » for the Élysée. These questions will also be discussed again during a telephone call on Friday, with the Angolan president, who plays a mediation role in this crisis.

Read alsoEastern DRC: Paul Kagame does not deny the presence of Rwandan troops

Finally, Emmanuel Macron will discuss the war in Sudan with the president of the African Union Commission, Moussa Faki, on the sidelines of this Forum on vaccine innovation.
