Digital Value, Intesa confirms Buy and target price

OPA Cover 50 provisional results bidder for 903 of the

(Tiper Stock Exchange) – Intesa Sanpaolo has confirmed there recommendation (Buy) and the target price (€122.5 per share) on digital value, a company listed on Euronext Milan and active in the field of ICT solutions and services. The review of the opinion came after the company communicated its results for the first half of 2023, which according to analysts “confirmed the positive trend of the group and its ability for continuous and sustainable development (CAGR 2019-23 of 21.8% )”.

The broker notes that Digital Value is trading at a 2023 (2024) EV/EBITDA of 7.1x (5.8x), which is one average discount of about 25% compared to competitors, despite its above-average growth profile and resilient business model. While awaiting the complete results of the half-yearly report (September 21), he reiterated his recommendations and estimates.

(Photo: Towfiqu barbhuiya on Unsplash)
