Digital, Mitd: tender for smaller islands awarded

Digital Mitd tender for smaller islands awarded

(Finance) – Awarded on announcement on the connectivity of the smaller islands with which work will start to bring ultra-fast internet connection to the smaller Italian islands of the regions Lazio, Puglia, Sicily, Tuscany and Sardinia.

Two months in advance of the deadlines set by the National recovery and resilience plan, Infratel Italia awarded the tender for more 45 million euros for the design, supply and installation of submarine fiber optic cables and related maintenance. The tender was awarded to Elettra Tlc, the only bidder.

“In recent months we have started all the races scheduled for PNRR to bring fast internet throughout Italy, in remote areas, where it is more difficult to reach and in strategic positions in the country, such as schools and health facilities. The award of the 45 million of this tender for the smaller islands marks an important step in the path we have traced towards an increasingly digital Italy, and not to leave anyone behind “he declared Vittorio Colao, minister for technological innovation and digital transition.

The initiative is part of the interventions envisaged by the national strategy for ultra-broadband, financed under the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (Mission 1, component 2, investment 3.1.5 Minor Islands) with advance resources drawn from development funds and the Cohesion of the Ministry of Economic Development. The works must be completed by December 31, 2023 and maintenance ensured until December 31, 2028.
