Digital Identification in the EU – new opportunities and challenges

Since 2022, it has been possible for EU citizens to use the digital identification service Freja+ to log in to the websites of various member countries.

Bank ID has now been approved as a supplier for identification to access these services in other EU countries.

Challenges remain

Although developments in the EU have progressed in this area, a lot of work remains.

At present, for example, it works to log in to several Finnish government pages, but the actual handling of cases is not yet feasible digital.

“This is because national social security numbers are not linked between the countries within the EU, which makes it difficult for smooth case management, explains Mikko Pitkänen, Head of Unit at the Swedish Agency for Digitization and Population Data in Finland.

In the video, Mikko Pitkänen explains, when it will be possible to handle cases with the Swedish digital identification service at the Finnish authorities.
