Digital games for physical activity

Digital games for physical activity

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    An application proposed by a Nantes start-up, Kiplin, makes it possible to fight against the sedentary lifestyle of employees, reinforced by teleworking.

    Designed in the form of challenges, these “health games” operate according to an identical principle: the participants, in virtual teams, must move (walk, run, pedal, etc.) equipped with a connected object such as their smartphone. It is their physical movements that advance them in the virtual game.

    Prevent chronic diseases

    “The goal is to get people angry with sport by encouraging them to do 15 to 30 minutes of activity every day”explains Vincent Tharreau, president and founder of Kiplin.

    Mr. Tharreau prefers to talk about “health sports” Where “physical activity” because “if we talk about sport, we lose 80% of the people who could benefit from it”.

    “We are not aiming for performance, but for good habits, by promoting all types of activity with the aim of preventing chronic diseases”he explains.

    Little habits to adopt

    Work life facilitator at CAF Toulouse, Marion Delaperche used the application to organize “out of health crisis” in September 2021 a challenge in which 200 employees participated in teams of five.

    “The objective was to take as many steps as possible over three weeks. We took the stairs instead of the elevators, we walked with a sandwich at lunchtime instead of going to the company restaurant, we came to work at foot… The connected side made things more fun”, she explains.

    “We are aware of our sedentary lifestyle, in particular linked to teleworking. Without activity, we only take 600 steps per day on average, whereas it is recommended to take 5000. Take a break twice as long, get moving , it has an impact on the state of mind and it was also a strong moment of cohesion”she judges.

    Since, “we kept the incentive messages set up in the premises (“walking strengthens the joints”)” and we did other challenges such as coming to work by bike and setting up yoga on the meridian break”says the host.

    According to Mr. Tharreau, businesses that use the app earn on average “60% of the workforce”. “About 80% go to the end of the game and 60% of participants leave the sedentary threshold of 5000 steps per day for a long time”he says.

    Launched in 2014 and “doubling in size every two years”, Kiplin has, according to its boss, about fifty employees and about 300 client employers, rather large companies with several sites. Solidarity company of social utility (Esus), it also works with health centers, its application having been certified as a digital medical device.
