difficult week for the majority

difficult week for the majority

In a very tense atmosphere, the deputies voted last week only for the first article relating to the end of the special schemes of the pension reform. Between stormy debates and incidents during the session, the examination of the text made little progress. But time is running out. This is the week of all dangers for the majority.

If the atmosphere was explosive in the National Assembly last week, it will be even more so this week. Five days is the time remaining for the deputies before the text is sent to the Senate, on Friday February 17 at midnight. They still have 18 clauses and 15,900 amendments to consider. The deputies suspended their work on Friday evening having not yet voted on article 2, relating to the index on the employment of seniors.

foot of war

The majority is therefore on a war footing to bring the recalcitrant members of the group into line. According to a majority parliamentarian, “ we are calm, there won’t be a voice missing from ours “. And beyond the presidential camp, it is towards the right that the last efforts will have to be concentrated. The majority is counting on the consistency of the Republicans, who need at least 40 votes to pass the bill.

According to the parliamentarian quoted above, LR voters would not understand that right-wing deputies do not vote for reform, it is not feathers that they would lose, but it would be their disappearance “. It does not matter if the Assembly adopts the text, the inter-union, it remains mobilized with a next day of demonstrations on Thursday February 16, and a call for a total strike on March 7.

I believe we have a majority »

For his part, Olivier Dussopt, the Minister of Labor who carries the text, believes that the presidential camp will be able to do without article 49-3 to pass the reform and that he will have the majority in the Hemicycle: “ I believe that we have a majority to vote for this reform. And the only thing I fear is not the absence of a majority, but the obstruction that the left has been engaged in for a week now.. »

It’s themcontinues the Minister of Labour, who want there to be no vote, they are the ones who want there to be no possibility of debate. Because beyond these stonewalling tactics, I think there is a majority in the Assembly, there is a majority in the Senate, and the legislative process will continue that way. The President of the Republic got involved during the presidential election campaign, the entire majority is involved, we know that this reform is difficult, we know that pension reform is never popular, but we know that it is necessary because we are faced with a system that is structurally in deficit. »

►Also read : Pension reform in France: mobilization on the rise, the unions ready to harden the movement
