difficult negotiations between Macron’s supporters

difficult negotiations between Macrons supporters

After his re-election, Emmanuel Macron wants to form a solid presidential majority in the National Assembly, in order to have free rein to govern. A first list of candidates for the majority in the June legislative elections must be unveiled in the middle of the week. But it will be necessary to wait before knowing the name of all the 577 pro-Macron candidates. The negotiations between the different chapels of Macronie are difficult, to the point that the boss of the Modem François Bayrou, pillar of the majority, called to avoid a ” clan war “.

On paper, the objective is simple: to have in each of the 577 constituencies a single candidate supporting Emmanuel Macron under the same banner. In practice, the equation is difficult to solve: it is necessary to reinforce the outgoing deputies who have not been unworthy, to make room for people from civil society, for those who have or will join Emmanuel Macron, and finally ministers who want to try their luck, such as that of National Education Jean-Michel Blanquer, or that of European Affairs Clément Beaune.

And then, above all, it is necessary to distribute the nominations according to the balance between the different political parties which will make up the new presidential majority: La République en Marche and the Modem first, but also Horizons, Agir or Territories of progress. Negotiations are based on the number of winnable constituencies allocated to each formation. This is where it gets stuck, in particular with the Horizons party created in October 2021 by Edouard Philippe, who wants to elect as many deputies as possible under his banner in order to embody the right wing of the majority.

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Philippe must blend into the collective »

However, Emmanuel Macron finds his former Prime Minister too greedy and criticizes him for already thinking about the next presidential election by wanting to build a stable for 2027. Edouard Philippe must blend into the collective and break the ambiguities: we are not working for 2027, but for 2022 “Reframes support from the Head of State.

It is a question of avoiding that a war of succession begins nowwe add in the entourage of the re-elected president. Emmanuel Macron does not dream of a Blue Horizons Assembly. “Understood, Edouard Philippe will not have everything he asks for. At the Élysée, it is feared that the Horizons deputies, once elected, do not play the game of majority unity. Observation of a minister: between Emmanuel Macron and Edouard Philippe, ” confidence has not completely returned “. Due to the complexity of the negotiations, the list of candidates invested under the presidential majority banner will be made in several waves over the next few days.

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