Difficult Christmas weather with slippery roads

Icy, heavy snowfall and strong winds.
Christmas Eve offers large parts of the country white, but also troublesome, weather.

The road system has been difficult in many places during Christmas Eve, with, among other things, a mass crash on the E45 between Gothenburg and Lilla Edet.

In southern Sweden, the reason is the increasingly mild weather combined with the risk of rain as temperatures rise.

The wet weather on the already cold roads can make it really slippery. SMHI therefore warns of icy conditions in almost all of Götaland.

– In the southern parts, it will be difficult Christmas weather, says Emma Härenstam, meteorologist at SMHI.

There are also indications that there could be elements of freezing rain, and that doesn’t make matters any better.

Snow in the north

A little further up in the country, the temperature stays on the negative side. After a quieter morning on Christmas Eve, an area of ​​snow has moved in from the west during the afternoon. In the evening it is expected to have reached the Stockholm region and become more intense.

– It becomes difficult with slush, and there you also have to consider that it is not only the road conditions that are problematic, but also visibility that is reduced, says Emma Härenstam.

From Svealand and northwards, the temperatures essentially stay on the minus side all Christmas Eve. Over Norrland it will be between 5 and 15 minus degrees, locally slightly colder.

Windy Christmas Day

In the southern parts of the country, it can also rain on Christmas Day. The risk of slipping also remains. In Svealand and southern Norrland, new snowfall is expected instead.

Along the coasts, it also looks like it will be windy.

– We could reach storm strength along the west coast, says Emma Härenstam, who urges people to continue to keep an eye on SMHI’s updates.

– The risk of freezing rain will remain, so it may be good to keep an eye on the warning status.
