Dieter Bohlen’s return to DSDS shocked the fans

Dieter Bohlens return to DSDS shocked the fans

The big Germany is looking for the superstar return failed. At least when it comes to the encouragement of the fans. Dieter Bohlen should return to the big German TV show. but the fans are anything but enthusiastic about the revelation.

Dieter Bohlen’s Germany is looking for the superstar return, the fans are horrified

Awful” and “absolutely insane” can be read there. “Nobody should have missed Bohlen“, claims one fan. And one laments the alleged hypocrisy behind the decision. First you have the TV personality because “meanness” fired and now bring him back on board due to the lack of success.

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That’s not entirely wrong. Bohlen’s return was first reported by the picture. As the Focus quotes, there were actually dwindling ratings behind the RTL withdrawal. According to the article, Bohlen did not leave the show of his own free will. He was replaced by Florian Silbereisen.

When will Dieter Bohlen be seen again on DSDS?

So Bohlen should return for the 20th season of Deutschland sucht den Superstar. An exact broadcast date for the new episodes is not yet known. Based on the release date of the last seasons, starting in January 2023 to reckon with.

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