Did you know you need to wear sunscreen in the fall? Two dermatologists explain why

Did you know you need to wear sunscreen in the

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    Autumn has arrived and like many, you probably had the reflex to put your sunscreen in the trash (or you forgot it in the bottom of a drawer). In fact, it is recommended to continue using it, even after summer. Two dermatologists explain why.

    The leaves on the trees are turning yellow and falling, the temperatures are cooling: it’s official, it’s autumn. But the arrival of this season doesn’t mean you should stop using sunscreen. Three dermatologists detail why, in an article for Yahoo.

    Sunscreen should be used all year round

    Experts explain that exposure to ultraviolet rays, which cause sunburn and damage our skin, are present every day and all year round, not just at the beach.

    “The most common reason we experience UV damage is not sunny summer beach days, but rather incidental and cumulative sun exposure” explains Dr. Lindsey Zubritsky, a dermatologist based in Mississippi.

    This corresponds to minor, daily exposure to the sun, which is repeated all year round. It is therefore imperative to apply an SPF every daynot only to reduce the premature consequences of photoaging but also help prevent skin cancer..

    The clouds don’t protect us enough

    In autumn, overcast days make ultraviolet radiation seem less strong. This is partly true, because the UV index is naturally lower than in summer at this time of year.

    Cloud cover therefore provides protection, but it is not sufficient. “Although clouds can block some UV rays, most still gets through, especially if cloud cover is thin.” explains Dr. Jason Miller, a dermatologist in New Jersey.

    “Also, when the weather is cooler, you may not feel the heat on your skin, a signal that would prompt you to cover up or move indoors sooner.”. Hence the importance of wearing sunscreen, even on overcast days.

    Should you change your sunscreen from the one you use in summer?

    According to Dr. Zubritsky, the steps you take to protect your skin shouldn’t change depending on the season. “I always recommend applying sunscreen to all areas exposed to the sun,” she explains.

    On the other hand, she warns against makeup supposed to contain sun protection. “Makeup with SPF is usually not enough. You will need to apply a significant amount of makeup — more than we typically use — to achieve the listed SPF claims.”.

    For Dr. Miller, this type of protection may be enough for a quick run on an overcast day. But not if you have to stay outside for several hours. Finally, experts point out that sunscreen should be applied after moisturizer and before makeup, for women who wear it.

    Sun cream 2024: zoom on the sticks, a practical and fun format!

    Slide: Sun cream 2024: zoom on the sticks, a practical and fun format!
