Did you fill out Futistietäjä before June 7? Check your playoff picks | Sport

Did you fill out Futistietaja before June 7 Check your

Due to an error found in the game’s logic, some of the playoff selections made have been reset.

An error has been found in the logic of the Futistietäjä game, due to which some parts before 7.6. the playoff selections made at 12:30 have had to be reset. For the majority of users, the error and its correction do not cause any changes.

If you made your row before 7.6. at 12:30 p.m., check your playoff selections before the start of the European Championships. Go check out the playoff picks here.

We apologize for the inconvenience caused to users. You can edit your line during the opening weekend of the tournament until Sunday, June 16. until 23:59.

Futistietäjä predicts the progress of the European football championships from the opening kick to the championship celebration. There will be prizes for the best scientists.

You can challenge your friends in a team game or participate in the opening goal guess of each match, where you are looking for the scorer of the first goal and the time the goal was scored.

The European Football Championship starts in Germany on Friday, June 14. shows all matches live.

You can access ‘s European Championships event page here.
