Did Star Wars copy Dune? 10 disturbing similarities between the two works

Did Star Wars copy Dune 10 disturbing similarities between the

Dune Part 2 is clearly the film of the moment. Everyone is talking about it on the networks and everyone is finding a passion for Denis Villeneuve’s latest feature film, whereas this was not the case with the first part. Perhaps the opportunity for many people to rehabilitate the 2021 film which is in reality just as good as Part 2, no more, no less. Just that a lot of people missed it I think. But we’re not here for that, since I’m going to talk to you about the similarities between the Dune and Star Wars sagas. The two works indeed have quite obvious points in common and I will provide you with proof that George Lucas was very much inspired by the work of Frank Herbert to shape his own universe. And after this, you will never see Star Wars like before, believe me…

Did George Lucas plagiarize Frank Herbert and in particular his life’s work: Dune. For Frank Herbert, yes completely, and he also sued George Lucas for plagiarism in the early 80s, before finally giving up. And if today, there is such enthusiasm around Dune, it is also because the films are very reminiscent of Star Wars. Moreover, I remember that in 2018, Denis Villeneuve, who was already working on the development of his first film on Dune, admitted that most of the big ideas for Star Wars came from Dune. And then even Christopher Nolan did not hesitate to draw the parallel between the two sagas, comparing Dune Part 2 to The Empire Strikes Back during a recent interview. And in reality, the director of Inception, Interstellar and the recent Oppenheimer is not entirely wrong, as the trajectory of the two sagas is almost similar in every way. To do this, we must already put into context that Frank Herbert’s novel was published in 1965, i.e. 12 years before the release of the first Star Wars in cinemas, it was in 1977. And it was during this short decade that Monsieur George Lucas will draw his ideas from Flash Gordon, Akira Kurosawa, the historical facts of the Second World War and of course Dune.


One of the most obvious elements that connects “Star Wars” to “Dune” is its desert setting where the main events take place. In the first Star Wars, we discover the planet Tatooine, home of Luke Skywalker. In Dune, it is on the planet Arrakis that the story will take place. A desert planet where all the people from different galaxies arrive to collect spice, a commodity even more important than gold or even water. Moreover, in a distant first script of the first Star Wars, it was not the plans of the Death Star that Princess Leia was hiding, but a substance called Aura Spice. George Lucas subsequently decided to make some changes to distance himself a little from Dune.


We also find a lot of common points between Star Wars and Dune in the characters, starting with the two main protagonists, Luke Skywalker and Paul Atreides. Both originate from an alien planet before landing on a desert planet and being raised there. Tatooine for one, Arrakis for the other. The two young men are also considered chosen ones or messiahs if you will, knowing that peace is expected of them in their respective universes, while fighting against an all-powerful Empire. Luke Skywalker like Paul Atreides also carries great power which must be revealed through training. One uses force, the other spirit manipulation. But that’s not all. Luke and Paul both have a sister in common: Leia for Luke and Alia for Paul. Quite similar names, knowing that both have this ability to be able to communicate with each other through thought.


Another troubling common point: the bad guys. In both universes, Luke Skywalker and Paul Atreides fight against a totalitarian regime controlled by an emperor. The Sith Emperor in Star Wars and the Padishah Emperor in Dune, and both are driven by the same ambition: to retain their power, whatever the cost. Likewise, the empire they built and the soldiers who obey them are quite similar: the famous Stormtroopers for Star Wars and the terrible Sardaukar soldiers for Dune. Afterwards, both entities were clearly taken over from Hitler’s army. Better, in both franchises, we have a big revelation which is made in the 2nd episode of each trilogy, the big bad guy is part of the main hero’s family. Darth Vader is the father of Luke Skywalker, while Baron Harkonnen is none other than the grandfather of Paul Atreides.

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The bestiary is also quite similar, since in Dune, we got to know the imposing sandworms, whose gigantic mouths and sharp teeth are a threat to everyone. In Star Wars, we find these famous worms, but which do not move. They remain inert but have the same capacity to engulf everything. These are the Sarlaacs. Speaking of Tatooine and Arrakis, how can we not mention the natives who live on each planet? In Star Wars, we find the Tusken there, while Arrakis is home to the famous Fremen. Each of these peoples are different, the Tusken being quite fearful and not very aggressive, while the Fremen are quite the opposite. On the other hand, they share the same look.

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Finally, and I will stop there, we also find similarities between Star Wars and Dune in the political issues and the place of the Jedi Order and the Bene Gesserit. Both entities are fighting to preserve certain traditions and cultural heritages. The Bene Gesserit who are made up entirely of women train their minds to achieve superhuman abilities. The same way the Jedi did with the use of the Force. Moreover, the Bene Gesserit also use the Voice to manipulate people, which the Jedi Knights are capable of doing to command weak minds using the Force. And then, the two entities share the same taste for hooded outfits and long capes. In short, by scratching even more, we could find other points in common, but one thing is certain, George Lucas plundered Frank Herbert to shape his Star Wars universe. The attack for plagiarism did not take place at the time, but today, we can put things in the right order and remember that without Dune, Star Wars does not exist.

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