Did not see her husband for more than two months

EPN in Eastern Ukraine People are very worried This will

During the three-month war in Ukraine, the presidential couple has rarely been seen together.

Olena Zelenska says in a TV interview that the war has torn their families apart, as have other Ukrainian families.

Zelenska reveals that in two and a half months she did not see her husband at all.

The family has only been able to keep in touch by telephone, as Ukrainian President Volodymir Zelenskyi is leading a defense war from the country’s capital, Kiev. Olena Zelenska has been on the run with her family children during the war. Their whereabouts have not been made public.

However, Olena Zelenska denies that the war deprived her of her spouse.

She says she is grateful for every opportunity, including the interview, that allows the couple to spend time together.

– Dating on TV, Volodymir Zelenskyi adds.

Last week, the presidential couple was seen together in Kiev, when Volodymyr Zelenskyi and his wife attended the first presidential meeting in Ukraine. Leonid Kravchukin for the funeral.

“I felt great anxiety”

In an interview in Kiev, the first woman also talks about how she experienced the events of February 24, when Russia launched an attack on Ukraine.

Olena Zelenska says that she has woken up to strange sounds from outside. It was dark and he remembers that his wife was not next to him.

Olena says she found her husband in the next room. Zelenskyi stood there wearing a suit.

– It is very difficult to describe the feelings I experienced at that moment. I felt a great deal of anxiety and as if I froze in place. He left as soon as he had told me about the war. After that, we didn’t see each other for a long time.

You can discuss the topic until Tuesday 24.5. until 11 p.m.
