Did Christine Dupont de Ligonnès’ book appeal to readers? – The Express

Did Christine Dupont de Ligonnes book appeal to readers –

Lots of movements this week from March 11 to 17 in our list of tests proposed by Edistat. Starting with the arrival in majesty of François Sureau with Go away (Gallimard), in which the 66-year-old French lawyer and academician relates, among other things, his love of literature. A place of choice (6th) which arrives well before his invitation on March 27 on the Augustin Trapenard set. Unless there is an odd situation, it should therefore not leave the Top 10 any time soon. She was one of the guests at La Grande Librairie on March 13, and did well with Kaddour (Stock), his first short story novel. The actress and director Rachida Brakni (also wife of Eric Cantona), attempted, after the death of his father, in August 2020, to recreate the story of this mute being as close as it is mysterious. She delicately retraces his journey as an Algerian exiled in France, where he was a trucker then a delivery driver.

READ ALSO: Sureau: “For me, the novel of France is a personal novel, a writer’s novel”

© / The Express

BFMTV, Paris Match… offered their microphones to Christine Dupont de Ligonnès and Bertram de Verdun, sister and brother-in-law of Xavier, whose innocence they are convinced. Impossible in the eyes of the people of Versailles that the fugitive who has not been found since April 15, 2011 is guilty of the quintuple murder of his family in April 2011 in Nantes. Their pleading has the pleasure of touching the readers who voted Xavier, my brother, presumed innocent (HarperColiins), 3rd from our list. Also here is the comedian Guillaume Meurice who returns with In the ear of the cyclone (Threshold) on the media storm and the endless controversy, between insults, threats and legal summons, which resulted in his joke about the Israeli Prime Minister on France Inter (on Sunday October 29, 2023, he described Benjamin Netanyahu as “kind of a Nazi but without a foreskin”). One thing is certain, the satirist retains aficionados, who propel him to 12th place in the Top 20.

READ ALSO: Xavier Dupont de Ligonnès: the distressing media triumph of conspiracy

No week without a new book on the Ukrainian-Russian conflict. This time, it is journalist Anne Nivat who takes the reader to both sides of the front line to meet soldiers and civilians. Title Hate and denial. With Ukrainians and Russians in the war (Flammarion), his report takes 11th place of the prize list. He is on the verge of joining the list. Ranked 22nd, the historian Gérard Noiriel, publishes a Tract/Gallimard on current xenophobia entitled National preference. History lesson for the use of contemporaries, in which he notes that “history shows that the headlong rush into an increasingly repressive policy towards migrants, carried out in the name of “national preference”, endangers both the humanist values ​​of our Republic and the democratic principles of the rule of law”.

