Diamond dance, a show that shines with a thousand lights

Diamond dance a show that shines with a thousand lights

Live musicians, 20 talented dancers who bring together classical dance and Hip-Hop, a love story that thrills the stage of the 13th Art theater, this is the recipe for success of the musical “Diamond Dance” to be applauded up to to April 10.

There are amazing marriages, which we would never have imagined, and which nevertheless form solid couples. Take for example hip-hop and classical dance. This couple, so disparate at first sight, and yet fusional, we discover them in a colorful and energetic show, which brings together 20 dancers and 3 live musicians on the set of the Théâtre 13e Art in Paris.

A popular and family entertainment show in the purest style of American musicals. The action takes place in Los Angeles. “Diamond Dance” is until April 10 at Théâtre 13and Art in Paris.

The guests of the show:

  • Julie Dayan, co-author and co-artistic director of the show with Michäel Xerri.
  • Andie Masazzamain dancer of the show
  • Aliou Konemusical director of the show

Report : Fanny Bleichner went to visit the exhibition “La vie HLM” in Aubervilliers in the Paris region which looks back on the history of Habitations à Loyer Modérés, and that of their occupants.
