Diagnosed with cancer, she started speaking the language of the place she didn’t go

Diagnosed with cancer she started speaking the language of the

A 50-year-old US patient was diagnosed with prostate cancer. It was stated that the patient began to speak an “Irish accent” after being diagnosed with cancer. While it was stated that the patient had never been to Ireland before, the researchers noted that the accent started in the 20th month of the patient’s treatment and was uncontrollable and continuous.


According to the BBC’s report, the British Medical Journal stated that a North Carolina man with prostate cancer, who is in his 50s and starts speaking with an Irish accent, may have developed Foreign Accent Syndrome (FAS).

The case was jointly reviewed and reported by Duke University in North Carolina and the Carolina Urological Research Center in South Carolina.

“To our knowledge, this is the first case reported in a patient with prostate cancer and the third case reported in a patient with malignancy,” the authors of the report said. made its assessment.


The researchers noted that the accent started in the 20th month of the patient’s treatment, and was uncontrollable and continuous.

In the report, it was stated that the patient lived in England in his 20s, had friends and family members from Ireland, but had never spoken with a foreign accent before.

Despite chemotherapy, the patient’s condition worsened, and his accent continued until his death.

Source: AA
