Diablo Immortal: Players are disappointed with the new event

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The Hungering Moon event is currently running in Diablo Immortal. However, the Diablo Immortal community has so far reacted very disappointed to the event.

What is this live event? The Hungering Moon weekend event has specific gameplay objectives to complete.

By completing the tasks, you can earn a special currency called “Moonslivers” (moon shards) and then exchange the moon shards for random special rewards.

Why are players so disappointed with Hungering Moon? A major point of criticism from the players is that the event is actually just a series of individual tasks that need to be completed. Therefore, Hungering Moon is not a real “event” at all.

Here you can see a video about the gems in Diablo Immortal:

Diablo Immortal: What are Legendary Gems? Facts and locations in 3 minutes

“I probably put more effort into that rant than they into this event”

What did the community on reddit say about the event? The Diablo Immortal community expressed disappointment with the event. There was a discussion about it on reddit. The user halcyonandon expressed the following points of criticism under the title “Is Hungering Moon an event at all?”:

  • The event is just a series of tasks that are not particularly difficult
  • But you have to wait a relatively long time between the tasks, which is also the most difficult thing about them
  • There would be no story, monsters or NPCs, also the environment would look the same
  • The rewards are also small and not particularly good
  • In general, the user has the impression that little effort was made for the event
  • The user ended his review by saying, “This is by far the worst, most effortless, so-called event I’ve ever seen in a gacha game. I probably put more effort into that rant than they into this event.”

    What do the other reddit users say about the criticism? Among halcyonandon’s criticisms, there is a vast majority who agree with the thread creator:

  • insrr: “The event is definitely not convincing. It would be nice if these activities were repeatable and if you could grind more than a single stage, but as it stands it hardly deserves the title ‘Event’.”
  • Fair-Lingonberry-268: “As a first event for a mobile game, I find it quite strange, but it’s clear how the developers want to play it out. Since the normal rewards are so small, they give us a free Legendary Emblem and think that’s fine.”
  • Sean Pizzles: “I’m actually quite happy with the rewards. I’ll have good use for dust and shrapnel, and the scrap is the loser’s prize that makes the others feel better. But the complete lack of effort is very disappointing. Why the hell is my demon hunter suddenly worshiping the moon?!? Sacrifice creatures to him? This doesn’t seem to fit the class and character at all, and they haven’t offered any attempt at an explanation at all. Would it have killed her to write three lines of dialogue from the Adventure Guide or something? They make over a million dollars a day and use about 0.5% of that on the main story.”
  • Are there any opposing opinions? Occasionally, however, there are also one or the other user who defuses the criticism somewhat.

    For example, Malazaar says, “To be honest, this isn’t that much different than what’s been done in similar games. However, there are usually 2-3 of them there [Events] per week. Even with many who come back regularly.”

    Everything about the event period

    How long is the event? The live event will run from July 15 to July 18, 2022 (03:00 server time).

    Where can I find the event tasks in the game? The current tasks are located on the left in the game menu under “Events”. There are different types of tasks:

  • Daily tasks
  • Tasks that can be played over several days
  • If you want to access the “Favour of the Moon”, you need 140 Moon Shards. Here you can find more information about the Hungering Moon event and the rewards you can earn.

    What do you think of the Hungering Moon event in Diablo Immortal? Do you think the criticism is justified?
