Diablo 4’s latest beta wows gamers, but gets sad praise: “Truly optimized for PC”

The last test before the release of Diablo 4 ended with the server slam on May 14th. You now have to wait until June to be able to gamble again. Although Blizzard wanted to “destroy the servers,” pretty much everything went smoothly and so well that fans are universally delighted. Some even demand that the game should be released immediately – it couldn’t get any better anyway.

This was the test:

  • From 12th to 14th May ran the server slam, where the capacities for Diablo 4 should be tested.
  • Contrary to the open beta, there were hardly any problems: no queues, little lag, hardly any errors. We followed the course of the live ticker.
  • The server slam was also the last chance to reclaim all the beta rewards. The test was correspondingly popular.
  • These are the first votes: From day one, players largely agreed that the server slam was “the best release in Blizzard’s history.” Now, after the test, the Diablo 4 subreddit is full of beta feedback.

    Players are enthralled with pretty much every content: graphics, music, combat system. The story is also exciting. Even concerns about the shared world have partially dissipated as a number of players have been able to make new friends.

    Some even demanded, sometimes jokingly, that the game should be released immediately. Not much can be improved and Sunday was also Mother’s Day. The release would be perfect for spending the day with Mama Lilith.

    We gave our opinion on Diablo 4 after the first beta. So far little has changed:

    Diablo 4 Beta: Performance and fun are good, but important questions remain unanswered – the conclusion of the MeinMMO editors

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    “I’m upgrading to the more expensive version to play earlier”

    Optimization on PC received particularly high praise. Diablo 4 will be released for PC, PlayStation and Xbox with full crossplay support. And just PC ports of games that appear on all platforms have had big problems lately.

    However, the new Diablo ran smoothly for most players and without any problems worth mentioning:

    With the sea of ​​AAA games launching with TERRIBLE performance on PC this year and times of just plain broken launches, I was really worried about how this game would perform on my older system. But I had no frame drops, not even stuttering. Really happy with it!

    thanks on Reddit

    In fact, the excitement is so great that at least one player says they would upgrade to one of the more expensive versions of Diablo 4. With the Deluxe or Ultimate Edition he can start 4 days earlier than with the Standard Edition.

    Diablo 4 is also well received here on MeinMMO after the test. Higi says: Server Slam went really well […] I’m really looking forward to the release. and reader MisterK writes:

    The game is great. Everyone writes that they don’t stand a chance at the World Boss, the game is messed up and everything you read about it. nonsense. Nothing was messed up at all […] After the bankruptcy of Immortal, another ray of hope

    By the way, Diablo 4 runs so well that you can even play it with a laptop on the train. Only the W-LAN is not always optimal:

    Diablo 4 in the W-LAN of Deutsche Bahn: The worst moments

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    Does something go bad? During the beta there was a lot of discussion about balance. In particular, the nerf to the Necromancer was met with controversy. Blizzard has now improved this.

    In general, Diablo 4 has apparently become a good deal harder compared to the beta. A simple “slicing through” is hardly possible anymore. This continues to cause arguments among players, but after the server slam, there are more and more people defending the difficulty level.

    more on the subject

    Diablo 4 fans argue about loot, etch: “The number of casuals is too high” – wars violently on the roof

    by frautrallafitti

    Especially the difficulty of Ashava, the only world boss in the beta, is hotly debated. That’s because you had to kill them to get the exclusive reward. But even here, some larger threads say, “Stop complaining about Ashava. The game is good.”

    As far as the loot is concerned, there are still two parties. In the server slam and also for release there are fewer legendaries than in the open beta. While some casuals and especially Diablo 3 fans criticize this, at least most of the “old hands” are happy about more grind.

    When can I play Diablo 4? The release of the game is officially on June 6th at 1:00 am German time. Anyone who buys the Deluxe or Ultimate Edition can play as early as June 2 at 1:00 a.m. The game will be released for PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One and Xbox Series X|S.

    You can find all further information about Diablo 4 and the upcoming release in our overview:

    Diablo 4: Release, classes, gameplay and pre-order at a glance
