Diablo 4’s big announcement wasn’t all that big, but it was exactly what everyone secretly wanted

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Blizzard has promised a big announcement about Diablo 4. Fans were excited but didn’t get what many expected.

Rod Fergusson, the head of Diablo, made all fans of the action RPG curious on April 18 and spoke of a “secret announcement” about Diablo 4 on Twitter. This announcement should follow in the developer live stream on April 20th, which we at MeinMMO have provided for you in a live ticker and summarized the most important information from the developer stream.

In the run-up to the stream, there was a lot of speculation about what the secret announcement could be. Some fans were expecting another class to be announced.

Instead of a new class, there is another test weekend

What was the big announcement? If you were hoping that we would see a new class, you may be disappointed now. The big announcement is another weekend where you can try Diablo 4 on PC, Xbox Series X|S, Xbox One, PlayStation 5, and PlayStation 4.

Blizzard gave the new test weekend the apt name “Server Slam” because it is intended to test the resilience of the servers and show whether they can cope with the release rush.

When is the server slam? The server slam will start on Friday May 12th, 2023 and end on Sunday May 14th.

Participation in the Server Slam offers rewards: As with the beta, if you participate in the server slam, you can get some rewards. The Open Beta’s Wolf Pack is also available, giving anyone who hasn’t reached level 20 in time a second chance.

A new participation reward, however, is the Cry of Ashava mount trophy, which you get when you defeat Ashava with a “level 20” character.

You can see an overview of the rewards here:

A chance to bridge the waiting time for the release

Why is the server slam what everyone secretly wanted? The release of Diablo 4 is still a few weeks away and the anticipation of many players is high. Especially for all those players who wanted more after the beta.

On Reddit, for example, there were players who played Diablo 3 again after the beta. Others recommended checking out games like Last Epoch to pass the time (via Reddit).

For anyone looking forward to Diablo 4 and impatiently waiting for its release, another weekend of testing is an unexpected blessing. It will also be seen whether and how well the feedback from the beta could be implemented by May.

If you want to pass the time waiting for Diablo 4 not just with a test weekend, but with different games, we have a list of 10 alternatives to Diablo here:

Games Like Diablo – Who Needs Diablo 4? Here are 10 current alternatives
