Reaching level 25 from the Necromancer will allow you to get the Golem in Diablo 4. But how do you activate the skill and what should you consider? MeinMMO has tips.
How do you summon the golem? You need to reach level 25 with the Necromancer and then complete the class quest. To do this, go to the “Book of the Dead” in the menu and activate the quest at the bottom of the golem.
Once you have completed the quest, open the Book of the Dead again and select a golem type. Now go into your skill tree and switch to “Skill Assignment”. Slide the skill into your skill bar and the golem will appear – you don’t have to press anything.
What else is there to know? Here are two more important pieces of information about the Golem:
Unlike your skeletons, the golem can perform a skill that you activate yourself. This is easily forgotten because the other summons don’t offer anything like this. Make sure to trigger the golem regularly.
The big helpers can also go down. However, you don’t have to do anything to bring the golem back onto the battlefield. After 20 seconds, your friend will return and throw himself back into the fight.
You can only unlock the golem at level 25. If you are looking for tips on how to level your Necromancer, then have a look here: Diablo 4: Level Build for Necromancers – How to level up quickly and easily. If you want to go even faster and further, then check out our video:
Diablo 4: How to reach level 100 quickly
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The necromancer is extremely strong, especially in the early game of Diablo 4, but loses some of its effect over time and is at the bottom of many animal lists: This also applies to the class tier list of MeinMMO.
But enthusiastic summoners can hardly stop that. After all, we are never on the road all alone.