Hardly any problem in Diablo 4 is as controversial as inventory management. Even now, more than 2 months after the release, players are asking for more inventory space or suggesting solutions that would fix the problem.
Diablo 4 is hated and loved. It is noticeable that the deeper you are in the game, the more time you spend in Diablo 4, the more players get upset about it. A pattern often seen in MMOs.
However, many players agree on one topic, no matter how much game time is behind it: the measly inventory. Season 1 further exacerbated the problem.
Often the inventory is already full to the brim after one dungeon. All 33 spaces are occupied, you leave things lying around and then have to laboriously teleport to a city to make room again. Several minutes pass, you run from the dealer to the box, maybe even to the blacksmith.
Players demand: This should finally stop! And already have ideas on how to solve it.
Are you annoyed by the inventory in Diablo 4? There is a little tip in the video:
Diablo 4: With this trick you save inventory space
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“It’s a lot of work and annoying”
How could one solve the problem? A new thread on the Reddit discussion platform suggests a radical but simple solution:
“Why can’t we just sell/scrap items immediately when we find them without having to walk to town? It’s all just a lot of work and very annoying anyway. Then the space in our bag could be reserved for things we want to look at/think about.”
Even two months after the release, this hits a nerve in the community: the thread collected over 2,600 upvotes and almost 700 comments in just under 21 hours (as of 09.08.23, 2:00 p.m.):
The thread discusses the proposal and the most popular comment praises Diablo competitor Torchlight. Here you can own “pets” that run to the dealer for you. In Torchlight 2 the system was drilled even further, the pets had huge inventories and could teleport.
A long discussion ensues about which games do better with inventory management. One calls the inventory in Diablo 4 the “toughest final boss”.
As many commenters point out, it’s not actually about the inventory itself. It’s the loading times for the teleport, the long distances in the cities, the high risk of crashes when playing on the PS5 when you interact with dealers. This breaks the gameplay loop and wastes time unnecessarily.
Another solution comes from the user “Willowctrl”, which is also heavily discussed: “I would pay money for this: Summon a dealer in the dungeon to sell items.” An emoji at the end shows that it was probably not meant too seriously. Nevertheless, the proposal is discussed.
What helps with a full inventory? A few small tips and tricks can help you to run to the dealer less:
It is currently not possible to say with certainty whether there will be more space in the inventory for a later season. The developers have explained that this is a performance problem: Chef explains why you have so little space for loot, reaping confusion and ridicule.
The sci-fi shooter Destiny 2 proved quite a while ago that a subsequent increase is feasible. Here it was said that the hardware of the consoles would limit the vault space. At some point, however, more space came into play due to optimizations in the background.