Diablo 4 difficulty levels: What is Tier?

Diablo 4 difficulty levels What is Tier

Everything you need to know about Diablo 4 tiers. Does it change during the game? How many difficulty levels are there?

Diablo 4 difficulty levels (tier) means the higher the tier, the harder the game. When you create a new character, you must also choose the difficulty level. Blizzard recommends that if you are experienced in Diablo games, you should choose Veteran, which is level 2, while for beginners you should choose Adventurer, which is level 1, which will allow you to progress more easily.

Diablo 4 difficulty levels

There are a few things you should know when choosing the difficulty level. The higher the level you start, the more experience points you will gain during the game and the amount of money you will earn will change accordingly. This means that if you start low, your progress will be slower.

Diablo 4 difficulty levels

You can only use Adventurer and Veteran difficulty levels in the first 50 levels in Diablo 4. After that, you will continue on the higher difficulty level.

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Can Diablo 4’s difficulty levels change?

You will be able to choose the difficulty level right after the character creation screen. For this reason, after choosing your level and starting the game, it is not possible to change the difficulty level until you have completely finished the story mode. If you think that you will have difficulty in the beginning, it will be useful to start at the easiest level. After the story mode, you can start the game from the beginning and choose the next level.

Diablo 4 Difficulty Levels (tier system)

Here are all four Diablo 4 World Tiers:

  • World Tier 1: Adventurer
  • World Tier 2: Veteran
  • World Tier 3: Nightmare
  • World Tier 4: Hell

Diablo 4 difficulty levels (tier) - 2

Diablo 4 difficulty levels

World Tier 1: Adventurer

Diablo 4’s easiest to play World Tier 1: Adverturer Improved for characters from level 1 to level 50. Although you will earn less experience points and money, it can be functional to dominate the flow of the story.

World Tier 2: Veteran

World Tier 2: Veteran Enemies are a little more difficult to kill on difficulty level. However, you will receive 20% more experience and 15% more gold from the creatures you kill.

World Tier 3: Nightmare

As in previous Diablo games, you must have completed the game on Veteran difficulty before you can choose this level. Also after reaching level 50 World Tier 3: Nightmare To pass the difficulty level, you must pass the Cathedral of Light Capstone dungeon.

Diablo 4 difficulty levels (tier) - 3

Diablo 4 difficulty levels

At this difficulty level, your resistance to monsters will decrease by 20%, but you will get 100% more experience points and 15% more gold. However, you will be able to increase your stamina for the new items you will collect.

World Tier 4: Hell

World Tier 4: Hell You can play the difficulty level after completing the game on Nightmare and completing the Fallen Temple Capstone dungeon. Diablo games have always given the most enjoyment at Hell difficulty. The armor, weapons and items you will acquire at this level will be much stronger than in previous levels. Some of them are powerful items that will not fall out of your hands throughout the season. However, it is important to remember that your enemies now do 40% more damage. Being this strong allows you to collect 15% more gold and 200% more experience points.
