Diablo 4 cinematic video released

Diablo 4 cinematic video released

A cinematic video has been released for Diablo 4, one of Blizzard’s popular games. Lilith, the servant of the master of Chaos, returns. You are not finished.

Diablo game in the Hack ‘N Slash genre, which was released in 1996, was so popular that the sequels came constantly. No matter how long we wait for the release of Diablo 2 and Diablo 3, it seems that we will see many Diablo games in the near future with the change of hands of the company.

Diablo 4 cinematic video released at The Game Awards

The comeback of Lilith, which we heard before, became official with this video. Even if he appeared in front of Tyrael for a very short time, it is impossible to escape our eyes.

At the end of the video, we hear the words “I have returned to hell for you” from Diablo’s voice. It means “I’ve been to hell for you”. In this video showing the return of Prime Evil Diablo, the most important point that caught our attention was the war of armies. There has never been such a conflict in the dynamics of the Diablo game. This video tells us, “Can it be a harbinger of an MMORPG set in the Diablo universe?” begs the question.

In addition, at the end of the video, the release date of Diablo 4, which was previously leaked by Microsoft as June 5, 2023, was officially announced. The game, which will come to PlayStation 5, Xbox One, PlayStation 4, Xbox X and S Series, Microsoft Windows platforms, will be released on June 6, 2023.
