The Diablo 4 Early Access beta starts today. Only pre-orderers are allowed to participate – or everyone who has a key. Fortunately, our colleagues from GameStar still have keys left.
Where can I get a key? For the Diablo 4 beta, which starts today, March 17, you actually have to pre-order Diablo 4. Here you can find information about the different editions of Diablo 4.
However, you can also get hold of keys elsewhere. Our colleagues at GameStar are giving out Diablo 4 beta keys to GameStar Plus subscribers. You can choose whether you want to play on PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One or Xbox Series X|S.
You can get a subscription to GameStar Plus for as little as €4.99 a month, saving you a lot of money compared to pre-ordering. Keys are still available while stocks last and stocks are not yet exhausted. You can secure a key until 6:00 p.m.
However, you should hurry if you want to gamble because you still have to download the game and Diablo 4 can get quite big. You can also find information about redeeming the keys at GameStar.
How long is the beta? If you participate in the pre-order beta, you can gamble from March 17 at 5:00 p.m. to March 20 at 8:00 p.m. German time.
If you prefer to wait for the first opinions or don’t want to pay, you can play the open beta from March 24th to 27th, which is open to everyone interested. You can find all information about the beta of Diablo 4 here.
We accompany the start of the beta in our live ticker. We have summarized the information about the beta of Diablo 4 in the video for you:
Everything you need to know about the Diablo 4 Open Beta
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What’s in the Diablo 4 Beta?
In the pre-order beta, you can play as the huntress, the sorceress, or the barbarian. The level is limited to level 25 and you can fully explore the prologue and act 1. At certain times, a world boss will appear.
A few dungeons will also be available, with the latest gameplay making many fans doubt. After level 25 you can play as much as you want, you just don’t level up anymore.
If you are more interested in the druid or the necromancer, you can try them out in the open beta weekend. Both classes will be available from then on.
Incidentally, Diablo 4 already relies on multiplayer and a shared world in the beta, where you can meet other players. The topic is hugely controversial, but the feature is a boon for Diablo 4, I say:
Diablo 4’s most controversial feature is the best that can happen to the game