Here is the basis for one of the best builds for the Barbarian class in Diablo 4 – in German, with full specs, important legendary aspects and recommendations for your gear.
What build is this? You can find here a barbarian whirlwind build in Diablo 4. You yell at your enemies, whirl through enemy lines and deal bleed damage as well as increasing critical damage.
The build is an evolution of my Barbarian build, which is actually designed purely for bleeding damage. With the help of some completely optimized endgame builds, for example from, I have extended my build and show you the most important parts.
Noticed: The build is a base that allows you to specialize even further. You can rely on it from level 50 and continue to build in synergies that increase your rage generation, make more use of the bleeding debuff and further reduce your cooldowns. Here is a barbarian level build.
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Diablo 4: Barbarian – Whirlwind Build
How does the build work? With your shouts you take your power and that of your allies to a new level and dissects any large group of enemies with a dizzying whirlwind.
The highlight: The skill “Whirlwind” can be channeled – you can use it until your primary resource, anger, is used up.
Skills and legendary aspects ensure that you get a steady supply of rage. In addition, you distribute bleeding with the “whirlwind” and build strong synergies with the debuff. The important debuff “Vulnerability” is also served a little.
Ignites the Battle Shout, Challenging Shout, and Warcry reputation skills, whirling through enemies regardless of casualties. However, you should have a few anti-nausea remedies on hand.
Whirlwind Build – Launch Considerations
You don’t need to loot aspects to get off to a good start with the Whirlwind build. Here you will find four strong aspects of dungeons with which you can start right away. However, keep in mind that you can also loot these aspects – then they are always stronger.
You should always forge the “aspect of the terrible whirlwind” on your weapons, which is significantly stronger here than on the other pieces of equipment and important for severe pain in your opponents.
Aspects are also stronger on the amulet. Choose a suitable one here that will further specialize your build. Here are a few aspects that would enhance your build, but which you can only loot:
Also, from World Tier 3 onwards, be on the lookout for Unique Items that expand your build.
Diablo 4 Guides: All tips, tricks and builds at a glance
Whirlwind Build – Skill / Skills
Here are our recommended skills for building a strong Whirlwind build:
Use a two-handed sword for your skills, i.e. a “cutting weapon” to deal more damage against bleeding enemies. A two-handed ax fits into your tech slot, which hurts vulnerable enemies extra. Learn how to switch weapons here.
Always look for strong synergies and see if some passive skills work better when swapping aspects or skills.
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Whirlwind Build – Gear Stats & Gems
Here you will find recommendations for the values on your equipment.
Always pay attention to high weapon damage with your weapons, sometimes accept lousy secondary values - for barbarians the damage on the weapon is essential.
Here are a few important secondary stats for your gear:
Pay attention to the different value distributions on the pieces of equipment. Boots can grant movement speed, while gloves have a chance to gain the Critical Strike Chance stat. Find stats that fit the Whirlwind playstyle.
What’s next? On the Paragon board, focus on the Strength stat and glyphs that further exploit your bleed effect. There are many glyphs that promise you powerful bonuses here. Strengthen your effects in the following order:
If you still want to know where the barbarian stands in comparison to the classes, then visit the MeinMMO tier list.