Dexelance, Board

Dexelance Board

(Finance) – The Board of Directors of Dexelance He approved today the annual financial report project at 31 December 2024 to be submitted to the shareholders’ meeting scheduled for April 16, 2025, in a single call.

The Dexelance group recorded revenues equal to € 324.1 million, with a constant perimeter growth of 4.3% compared to Full3 2023 revenues. Ebitda It was € 50.0 million (compared to € 52.1 million in 2023). Ebitda Adjusted was 50.9 million, falling by 6.3% compared to the Full Adjusted 2023 data. Net profit of 17.9 million (compared to € 28.1 million in 2023). The net profit Adjusted was equal to 23.2 million, comparable with the net profit figure Full Adjusted at 31 December 2023 of 25.6 million.

The net banking position At 31 December 2024 it was equal to -5.2 million euros (credit position to credit institutions), given in sustained improvement compared to 31 December 2023 due to a generation of an operating case greater than 50% of the Ebitda.

The Board of Directors today also approved the approval of the Annual report on the corporate government and the owners and the report on remuneration policy and the fees paid, as well as the proposal for policy of remuneration of the company and proceeded to verification of the independence requirements of the Directors and the examination of the annual self -assessment document of the board of statutory auditors.

The Board of Directors approved the Convocation of the ordinary Assembly of shareholders for the day April 16, 2025in a single call, and to propose the destination of the profit of exerciseequal to 6,781,870 euros a legal reserve For 339,094 euros, useful profits for 6,442,776 euros.
