Developing technology that turns eye reflections into 3D images

Developing technology that turns eye reflections into 3D images

Researchers at the University of Maryland have been able to reduce eye reflection with the help of special systems. 3D image into brought.

In high-resolution photos, people can be informed about the environment they are in through the reflection in their eyes. Here is the one who signed a study focusing on exactly this. University of Maryland-based research teamcapable of revealing incredible use cases in the process. Neural Radiance Fields (NeRF) aided by technology. This was before Here we have detailed Nvidia technology, which is also at the center of a system developed by basically it can create 3D images from 2D photos. For this, University of Maryland researchers take multiple high-resolution photos of a person moving in a room, then zoom in digitally to look at the reflections in the eye corneas, and separate the image in the reflections together with its color by different processes. This image is then rendered three-dimensional with NeRF.


In other words, the research team, which succeeded in adding depth to the image in the eye reflection, cannot obtain high resolution outputs / results in the process for now. Their first results here The researchers reveal that they will continue to work in the process. So who would benefit from such a system? This issue is not entirely clear yet, but such a system can especially benefit the security forces, so that the location of a murderer or terrorist can be detected through high-resolution photographs. At the same time, some other research systems could benefit from such technology. The team reportedly is currently getting better results in controlled tests using the synthetic eye, an example of which can be seen in the video right below. It is reported that this image has been rendered 3D through the reflection obtained from the photographs of the synthetic eye. The team made a statement about the system, “The reflective nature of the human eye is an under-emphasized source of information about what the world around us looks like. By viewing the eyes of a person in motion, we can obtain multiple views of a scene out of the direct field of view of the camera through reflections in the eyes.” says.

Here too the result of the photo-based system is shown:

In addition to technologies that turn eye reflection into a 3D image,
