Developers have developed CupidBot, a very special conversational robot, intended to seduce women on dating sites. AI at the service of heavy and helpless flirts, without conversation or imagination.

Developers have developed CupidBot a very special conversational robot intended

Developers have developed CupidBot, a very special conversational robot, intended to seduce women on dating sites. AI at the service of heavy and helpless flirts, without conversation or imagination.

AI at the service of “relous”? It would seem that artificial intelligence knows no limits – and no ethics – in its uses, as evidenced by the surprise arrival of CupidBot, a brand new chatbot – a ChatGPT-style conversational robot – whose particularly cheeky goal is to seduce. women on dating sites and apps by getting them to accept dating requests very quickly. Clearly, AI-assisted flirting, for men who prefer to move on as quickly as possible to “practical work”, without having to go through the discussion box, synonymous with an endless approach… In short, the ultimate tool for those who prefer hormones to neurons! Detail that is important, especially in this competitive “sport”: the chatbot is paying. Moreover, CupidBot mischievously refers as much to Cupid, the god of love, as to cupid…

CupidBot is the work of developers posing as former employees of Tinder – they want to remain anonymous – who have developed an artificial intelligence for men who have difficulty communicating and seducing the fairer sex on applications of encounters – the description they give is rather reminiscent of incels (the contraction of involuntary And bachelors or, in French, “celibataires involuntaries”). She would be able “to get dates without having to open any apps. CupidBot AI swipes and chats for you on online dating apps to land you multiple dates each week so you can get right to the interesting part “. In short: choose and consume before throwing away! And although the service has just entered its public beta phase and is only available to a limited number of customers, the demand is particularly high, as the media has seen. Vice.

CupidBot: an AI to go directly to the meeting

According to the developers’ promises, the AI ​​is responsible for finding the profiles that are most compatible with that of the user – those who “match” -, then the chatbot is responsible for making the conversation with the “selected” woman. ” – a bit like shopping. For this, the artificial intelligence, which works on the language models of OpenAI – the creators of the famous ChatGPT – draws on the history of meetings and matches. It can be configured according to different conversational tones: direct, humorous, nonchalant… and even aggressive!

© CupidBot

Once the candidate – or rather the victim – has been spotted, the service notifies the man that it has found a profile corresponding to the established criteria and, once an appointment is fixed, sends him an SMS containing all the details. . The platform even goes so far as to register it in the Apple or Google calendar and can, if the user gives it access to its Instagram and Facebook accounts, avoid matching with its acquaintances. The AI ​​would also be able to avoid “attention whores” – literally “attention prostitutes”, to remain polite -, that is to say people seeking to draw disproportionate attention to themselves, in any way – an unflattering term meant to refer to both men and women, but mostly applied in a sexist way to the latter.

CupidBot promises budding seducers“get several dates a week by doing absolutely nothing” – it’s obviously more about chaining one-night stands than finding a soul mate. To take advantage of it, you have to pay $15 for three months of beta use, then $15 per month. For those who register later, the rate will be $30 per month. Chain conquests at a price!

CupidBot: a serious ethical and transparency problem

In the examples of exchanges between a woman and the AI ​​put forward by the site, the chatbot manages to obtain a telephone number after only three messages. Something to leave a little skeptical… “The data shows that the first few exchanges needed to get a woman’s phone number don’t tend to be particularly memorable and don’t affect how well a date goes. What really influences the likelihood of a date is how you build rapport once you have his number“, explains one of the founders to Vice.

© CupidBot

However, according to a survey carried out by the media, it is exactly the opposite! The first conversations on the app are very important for women, because it allows them to assess the person they have in front of them – which is essential before meeting a stranger in real life, with unfortunately the dangers that sometimes means…

Indeed, on dating applications, but also on the Internet in general, women remain on their guard by taking precautions before meeting an illustrious stranger. Already they are faced with many requests – and no, it’s not necessarily a good thing! – and face disrespectful, aggressive and violent approaches – when these do not simply turn into cyberbullying – it was only missing that two geniuses decided to give the general public all the tools to break the little trust that they had left.

Because CupidBot poses a serious problem of transparency, given that at no time are women aware that they are exchanging with a robot. “We strongly advise our users to notify women once they have obtained their contact details”, would like to clarify one of the developers at Vice. But, let’s be realistic, there is very little chance that the user will do so, especially since by doing so, he risks facing a well-deserved wrath.

CupidBot: Correcting the “disadvantages” of average men

To defend this controversial application, the founders explain that heterosexual men are at a disadvantage on dating applications. “We are focusing on the love lives of straight men because they are the ones who suffer the most from dating apps. It takes an awful lot of time for the ‘average’ man to find even one date a month “, they defend to the online media. According to them, CupidBot is a criticism of Tinder and its devastating effects on the poor average male.

© CupidBot

“Dating apps profit from ongoing engagement and therefore do not, and cannot, place users’ interests first“, they plead. “This carefully designed system puts the average man at a particular disadvantage who seeks to meet women on real dates. Given the real psychological impact that dating success, or lack thereof, has on young , and young men in particular, Tinder’s modus operandi is of clear social harm.” Their real objective would therefore be to “Forcing Tinder to re-evaluate how it works and make the dating process easier”. The incels can therefore say thank you to these good Samaritans, who come from these women who are too demanding!
