Developed tiny ultrasound tape that offers real-time images

Developed tiny ultrasound tape that offers real time images

Scientists are making important improvements in health. One of them is real-time display. ultrasound tape it happened.

ultrasound technology has been in our lives and among the indispensables of the health sector for many years. Technology, which does not come to the fore much because it is an established infrastructure, is still at the center of different development studies. For example, MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) researchers, these days you see above ultrasound tape sounds with. This tape, which can be adhered to the human body without causing any harm, is quite small in size and can still display real-time images as far as it is transmitted. According to MIT researchers, the system, which can show muscle movements or internal organs for up to 48 hours, is built on a special hydrogel basis for this.

The band, which does not yet function wirelessly, but whose wireless operation is among the targets set for the future, will be able to transfer ultrasound images to smartphones if this goal is achieved. In this way, for example, pregnant women will be able to control their babies in their wombs via their smartphones whenever they want.

You know, women need to go to the doctor regularly to have their babies checked. Obstetricians use large-sized ultrasound devices and apply a high amount of gel to the area to be scanned for a better image. The developed tape eliminates this on the basis of the hydrogel we mentioned above.


It is stated that this brings a unique perspective in order to regularly monitor the functioning processes of the human body. ultrasound tape, of course, it is not an option that will be used immediately. Testing on the technology continues actively.

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