Detoxifying your skin, is it possible?

Detoxifying your skin is it possible

  • News
  • Posted on 05/16/2022 at 4:55 p.m.,

    Reading 3 mins.

    You can often read tips on how to detoxify your skin. But is it really possible to detoxify it? How to have healthy skin? Our advices.

    When the body does not recognize certain foreign bodies, it eliminates them and therefore participates in its own detoxification. Contrary to what one might sometimes think, these toxic substances (or toxins) are not eliminated through the skin. But it is fortunately possible to take care of your skin in other ways, by adopting a healthy lifestyle or by establishing a simple and effective beauty routine.

    Three entities participate in the elimination of toxins:

    • Kidneys : they eliminate the waste carried by the blood and evacuate them in the urine. They keep the quantity of water and mineral salts in the body constant by adjusting their urinary elimination;
    • Liver : it is a major organ of elimination. It plays a role in detoxifying the body, eliminating drugs and harmful substances. It degrades these substances into non-toxic products;
    • Immune system protects the body from foreign or dangerous pathogens (viruses, bacteria or parasites) entering the body.

    The skin does not take part in this detoxification of the organism, since the toxins cannot leave the organism through its pores.

    For healthy skin, adopt a healthy lifestyle

    It is therefore not possible to “detoxify your skin”, as we can sometimes read. However, there are simple and concrete measures for everyone, which allow to have a healthy skin. Several external factors can damage the skin and contribute to its aging: the chemicals contained in many beauty products, the UV rays of the sun, pollution or even sugar.

    To counter them:

    • Put sunscreen on your face and body (even when there are clouds!). The index of the cream must be at least SPF 30;
    • Avoid cigaretteswhich makes the skin dry, contributes to the aging of the skin and causes hyperpigmentation;
    • Drink water. Drinking between 1.5 and 2 liters of water a day would allow you to have a fresh and luminous complexion and to hydrate the skin in depth;
    • Have regular physical activitywhich would reduce the signs of skin aging;
    • Learn to relax and manage your stress. It could have an impact on the skin and cause problems such as acne, eczema or even psoriasis. Meditation, yoga or sophrology are solutions to help you manage your stress;
    • Get enough sleep. Lack of sleep has a negative impact on the body, inside and out! Not getting enough sleep would make the skin look duller and drier.

    A well-established skincare

    The follow-up of a “skincare” (beauty routine) is necessary to maintain healthy skin. The latter eliminates dead skin cells and minimizes the effects of aging. Here are some tips to apply for a successful skincare:

    • Cleanse your skin morning and night to remove bacteria, oil, dirt and impurities that could clog facial pores. For facial cleansing, the choice is quite wide: washing gel, foam, hard greasy soap, lotion… It all depends on your skin type and its needs;
    • Exfoliate your skin once or twice a week to remove dead cells. To do this, peels with AHA or BHA active ingredients are very effective and less irritating than scrubs. But be careful not to exfoliate too often!
    • Hydrate your skin morning and evening. Hydration goes through the application of creams or serums, and is essential for healthy skin.
