Detox: a family tests 100% organic food for 2 weeks

Detox a family tests 100 organic food for 2 weeks

If we ate 100% organic for 15 days, would that change our level of exposure to pesticides? To find out, a Swedish family tried the experiment. Verdict…

Pasta ? Organic. Eggs ? Organic. Milk ? Bio we tell you. The Palmbers family did not need to ask too many questions to do their shopping prior to their organic “cure”. For two weeks, the four members of the tribe (parents aged 39 and 40 and their three children aged 3, 10 and 12) decided to play the game of exclusively organic food. Their mission: to measure the consequences on their body’s exposure to pesticides. As a result, the pesticides dropped drastically in their urine.

This family challenge is part of a study by the Swedish Institute for Environmental Research and funded by the organic food chain Coop. Each day of the three-week test, the researchers analyzed the presence of pesticides in a urine sample from each member of the guinea pig family. The first week, the Palmbers could eat according to their habits and feed on industrial food products. The next two weeks, they were put on the organic diet (Coop brand).

The differences are striking between the beginning and the end of the experiment: while eight pesticides were detected in the first week, these had almost disappeared during the “organic” weeks. These results are encouraging and suggest that the switch to organic foodwould eliminate pollutants from his body in a few weeks.

A discovery that is all the more interesting given that many ailments are associated with pesticides, starting with cancer risksand neurological diseases.

>> To read also: Is the danger of pesticides underestimated?

It’s better to eat organic! We tell you why

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