Details: Russian arrested for espionage – at an oil refinery in Gothenburg

One person has been arrested at an oil refinery in Gothenburg. According to information to TV4 Nyheterna, it is a woman who is a Russian citizen and suspected of corporate espionage. – We know about the case, says Gabriel Wernstedt at the Security Police. • Do you know more? Tip TV4 encrypted here • The operation was carried out yesterday afternoon and is surrounded by high secrecy. The police are very secretive about the case, but according to information to TV4 Nyheterna, it is about a woman who was arrested inside Preemraff at Hisingen in Gothenburg. She must be a citizen of Russia, sources tell TV4 Nyheterna. She was later arrested and is probably suspected of corporate espionage. Several crackdowns in Gothenburg The suspicions are being investigated by the so-called open police. But according to TV4 Nyhetern’s data, the Security Police must be informed about the matter, something they were able to confirm on Friday morning. – We know about it but it is a police matter so we have to refer there, says Gabriel Wernstedt, press secretary at Säpo. According to TV4 Nyhetern’s data, several people have been brought in for questioning and several house searches have been carried out in different places. The Gothenburg police confirm that they had an operation but otherwise do not want to comment. – It is early in the investigation and with reference to preliminary investigation confidentiality, we cannot say anything, says Caroline Karlsson, press spokesperson at the police region West. Employee of subcontractor Preemraff states that the person was working inside their facility when the police swooped. – What we can confirm is that there was a police operation at our refinery in Gothenburg and the police picked up an individual on Thursday afternoon. The person in question is employed by one of our subcontractors. Otherwise, we refer to the responsible authorities, says Dani Backteg, press manager at Preemraff. District Attorney James von Reis in Gothenburg is leading the investigation. – I can confirm that since last night a person has been arrested on suspicion of corporate espionage in Gothenburg. I cannot say more than that for investigation reasons and it is early in the investigation, he says. How did the suspicions arise? – I cannot say anything about that at all for investigative reasons. How does the detainee react to the suspicions? – I can’t say that. How do you proceed with the case? – I can’t say anything about that. • Do you know more? Tip TV4 encrypted here •
