Details: Mark Rutte becomes the new NATO chief


  • Details: Mark Rutte becomes the new NATO chief

    Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte will become the new NATO chief to replace Jens Stoltenberg in October, sources with knowledge of Dutch NOS.

    According to the sources, the other main candidate, Romanian President Klaus Iohannis, withdraws and Rutte remains as the only main candidate.

    There have also been reports that Hungary has dropped its opposition to Rutte, which brings him one step closer to the post as a decision on a new secretary general must be unanimous.


  • Deadly earthquake in Iran

    At least four people have been killed and around 120 injured in an earthquake in northeastern Iran.

    The 4.9-magnitude quake shook the city of Kashmar after lunch on Tuesday afternoon.

    According to the local governor, the main damage is due to the city’s dilapidated buildings and infrastructure.

  • Major delays with Stockholm’s commuter train

    There are major delays in commuter train traffic in Stockholm, reports P4 Stockholm.

  • The Foreign Ministry summons Russia’s ambassador

    The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has today summoned the Russian ambassador to mark against the violation of Swedish airspace.

    It was last Friday that a Russian plane violated Swedish airspace, and two Jas planes were forced up to repel it.

    “At the meeting, it was emphasized that the Russian actions are unacceptable and unprofessional,” writes Daniel Urso, press secretary to Foreign Minister Tobias Billström, to Aftonbladet.

  • Person on electric scooter hit – on E4

    A person on an electric scooter has been hit by a car on an on-ramp to the E4 at the height of Skellefteå, reports P4 Västerbotten.

    The road is now closed and there is a risk of limited access, reports P4 with reference to SOS.

  • Suspected of bribery Page manager released

    A Sida chief who was detained on suspicion of, among other things, serious bribery has been released. According to state prosecutor Thomas Forsberg, the suspicions against the man remain.

  • Stoppage in train traffic – no forecast

    There is a total stop in train traffic south of Gothenburg. The stoppage is due to a catenary being torn down. Both SJ and Västtrafik are affected for the routes between Varberg, Borås and Kungsbacka to Gothenburg.

    The Swedish Transport Administration has no forecast for when the trains will run yet.

  • Justin Timberlake arrested for drunk driving

    Justin Timberlake has been arrested for driving drunk on Monday night.

    A local police official told ABC News.

    The incident occurred in the luxury resort of The Hamptons outside New York City.

    Read more here.

  • Accident south of Stockholm – three involved

    Emergency services on site after the accident Photo: Blåljus Sthlm

    At 1:30 p.m., a traffic accident occurred at Länna, south of Stockholm.

    – It is a truck that drove over the center guardrail and then collided head-on with a car, says Daniel Wikdahl, press spokesperson for the Stockholm police region.

    Ambulance and emergency services were called to the scene. Two of those involved had to be taken to hospital with minor injuries.

    Read more here.

  • Bicycling boy injured by tree felling

    A 10-year-old boy has been injured in a tree felling in a village outside Haparanda, reports SVT Norrbotten.

    According to SVT’s information, a tree fell on him while he was on a bicycle ride.

    The boy has been taken to hospital and the condition of his injuries is unclear.

  • Demonstration in central Stockholm

    There is a demonstration going on in central Stockholm. A large group of people has gathered outside the town hall.

    According to information to Aftonbladet, it is exiled Eritreans who have gathered to protest against the city of Stockholm allowing the Eritrean cultural festival to be held this year.

    It is stated to Aftonbladet that those gathered will march down to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs at 1:30 p.m.

    – We have resources on site at city hall to ensure order. It is a public gathering for which they have sought permission. At the moment it is calm at the scene, says Helena Boström Thomas, the police’s press spokesperson.

  • Was going to be LO boss – now leaving all assignments

    Pim van Dorpel leaves the post as vice chairman of HRF. Archive image. Photo: Sören Andersson

    The chair of the hotel and restaurant union Malin Ackholt and vice-chair Pim van Dorpel are leaving their positions.

    According to a press release, it is a joint decision.

    “I can state that there are no longer the right conditions for us to operate in our roles. We take responsibility and leave room for others who can take the association forward”, says Malin Ackholt.

    Pim van Dorpel was recently intended as the new chairman of LO but dropped out at the last moment. Just a couple of days before he was to be elected to the congress, information emerged that during junior high school he moved in white power environments.

    He said that as a 14-year-old he applied to the skinskull culture, but that he did not profess to Nazism. He called himself “patriot” or “friend of Sweden”, he said.

    Malin Ackholt has also previously been considered for a position within LO’s leadership, when she was nominated and available for election, something that the newspaper Hotellrevyn reported on earlier this year. In the end, however, she did not get such a role.

    TT has sought Malin Ackholt and Pim van Dorpel, who both decline to comment, the union’s press secretary announces.

    – They have taken some much-needed time off, says Björn Fridén.

  • Biden wants to protect half a million undocumented

    The border barrier between the US and Mexico, photographed from the US state of California. Migration is a hot issue in the election campaign in the United States, and President Joe Biden is now presenting an initiative that could help some undocumented immigrants stay in the country legally. Archive image. Photo: Damian Dovarganes/AP/TT

    Hundreds of thousands of undocumented immigrants in the United States are getting a chance to stay legally in the country. This is through a presidential order from Democrat Joe Biden’s White House that was made public on Tuesday, US media reports.

    The initiative applies to undocumented immigrants who have been in the United States for more than ten years and are married to an American citizen and their children. The group, an estimated 500,000 people, is now given the opportunity to apply for a so-called green card and work permit within a three-year period, without the threat of deportation.

    The measure is described as the most extensive in the area of ​​immigration in several years. It is presented barely five months before the presidential election between Biden and Republican Donald Trump, at a time when Biden is struggling with a lack of public support.

    The presidential order is also published on the day twelve years after Biden’s boss at the time, President Barack Obama, presented the Daca migration program. It protects children of people who entered the US illegally from deportation and has been the subject of fierce criticism from Donald Trump during his time in the White House.

  • Philippines: Officer injured in China ramming

    The collision is said to have occurred at the disputed Second Thomas Shoal atoll. Archive image. Photo: Armed Forces of the Philippines/AP/TT

    An officer was seriously injured when Chinese ships rammed Philippine vessels on Monday, the Philippines military said in a statement.

    The Philippine government on Monday accused Chinese vessels of ramming and damaging Philippine vessels in the South China Sea, near the disputed Second Thomas Shoal atoll.

    “People’s Liberation Army Navy, Chinese Coast Guard and Chinese Naval Militia vessels engaged in dangerous maneuvers, including ramming and towing,” the Philippine National Task Force for the West Philippine Sea said on Monday.

    According to China’s coast guard, a Philippine ship in the area had ignored warnings from the Chinese side and that therefore “control measures were taken”.

    “The Philippines is fully responsible for this,” China’s coast guard said in a statement.

  • Truck accident – total stop in both directions

    There has been a traffic accident on national highway 51 between Finspång and Svärtinge.

    The police write on their website that it is a single accident where a truck has driven into the center guardrail.

    There is a complete standstill in both directions of traffic.

    It is currently unknown if anyone was injured in the accident.

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  • Regarding p1 decision that summer is only broadcast in the SR app. Isn’t that a slap in the face to all pensioners who don’t have the app. What do pensioner organizations say about this? I can imagine that many older people are listening. Which only has the radio.

    Ronny Andersson.

    Hello! This is what it says on SR’s website: “If you want to listen to Summer in P1, you can either listen directly on FM at 1 p.m., just as usual, or on Sveriges Radio Play – where you can also listen to the summer episodes afterwards” .

    You can therefore listen live on the radio. However, you will not be able to listen to the episodes in other apps such as Spotify.

  • Reading about the exchange of prisoners with Iran. What happens to the doctor Djalali? He is not mentioned.

    Katarina Nordgren

    Hello! We don’t actually know, but we’re trying to find out now.

  • Hello Bo Göran! Now I assume we are thinking the same thing and you can’t find the article on the site. We have written about the scary accident here.

  • Has the airport at Palma reopened?


    Yes exactly. It was closed for a while but is now open again. Read more here.

  • Thank you for the eminent Valkompisen! A very good complement. Great with such quick responses. Hope to see him again in other contexts in the future! 😀


    Thank you for testing Valkompisen! It is not at all impossible that he will receive new information in the future. Until then, you can keep asking questions about what’s happening with the EU now, here!

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