In Destiny 2, there was an absurd problem with a new PvP event. Among other things, the rewards did not work. That was critical because the event only runs for a few days. It’s over on Tuesday. Now Bungie has hurriedly brought a fix and even doubled the reputation gain.
That was the problem with the Iron Banner: Bungie brought a “new old” event live this week: The PvP event Iron Banner has been available since Tuesday with the newly souped-up Rift mode. But there were numerous problems:
Players in Destiny 2 hate an Iron Banner PvP mode – even threaten the staff
What made the whole thing critical? The Iron Banner is an event that is relatively rare from Season 17 onwards. This is only possible for a week, until the weekly reset on Tuesday, June 7th.
However, it is an event that requires a lot of play to unlock the Iron Banner Sigil. Now that Pentecost is over, people theoretically have time for that.
However, players were concerned that this time Iron Banner would be so buggy that it would be impossible to play properly and thus miss out on the rewards.
Destiny 2 shows the new season in the crazy trailer – “You become the destroyer of fear”
Double reputation reward, but only active for a few days
This is the announcement now: Almost at the last minute on Saturday, Bungie has now announced its solution:
If you still have time for the rest of Sunday and Whit Monday, you should now go to Iron Banner, because the time invested counts double for the reputation rewards.
How is this commented? Well, you’re not really happy on Twitter. Some say that the “Rift” mode is so unpopular that some players simply pick up the coveted rewards afk and thus sabotage the active players in their fun.
Criticize others: You should activate skill-based matchmaking so that the fights are fairer.
Somehow something seems to be wrong with the mode.
The last change in Destiny 2 was not so well received:
Destiny 2 removes a popular tip loot trick – “Why fix something everyone liked?”